Lineation is valid Scrabble Word

Is lineation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lineation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LINEATION in dictionary:

Words related to LINEATION


Words that contain LINEATION

alineation10 lineations10 alineations11 allineation11 delineation12 allineations12 delineations13 sublineation14 sublineations15 interlineation14 interlineations15

Similar words containing LINEA without suffix tion

lineal6 linear6 lineage8 lineate7 bilinear10 colinear10 lineable10 lineages9 lineally11 linearly11 lineated9 unlineal8 collinear11 delineate10 lineality12 lineament11 linearise9 linearity12 linearize18 nonlineal9 nonlinear9 outlinear9 sublinear11 trilinear9 unilineal9 unilinear9 alineation10 delineable13 delineated12 delineates11 delineator11 delineavit14 lineaments12 linearised11 linearises10 linearized20 linearizes19 lineations10 trilineate10 alineations11 allineation11 colinearity16 collinearly16 curvilineal16 curvilinear16 delineating13 delineation12 delineative15 delineators12 interlineal11 interlinear11 linealities11 lineamental13 linearising12 linearities11 linearizing21 matrilineal13 matrilinear13 multilineal13 multilinear13 patrilineal13 patrilinear13 rectilineal13 rectilinear13 nonlinearly14 allineations12 collinearity17 delineations13 interlinears12 interlineate12 noncollinear14 nonlinearity15 patrilineage15 sublineation14 colinearities15 curvilineally21 curvilinearly21 interlineally16 interlinearly16 interlineated14 interlineates13 linearisation13 linearization22 matrilineally18 patrilineages16 patrilineally18 patrilinearly18 rectilineally18 rectilinearly18 sublineations15 collinearities16 curvilinearity22 interlineating15 interlineation14 linearisations14 linearizations23 nonlinearities14 rectilinearity19 interlineations15 curvilinearitie20 curvilinearities21
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