Limas is valid Scrabble Word

Is limas a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is limas valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LIMAS in dictionary:

Words related to LIMAS


Words that contain LIMAS


Similar words containing LIMA without suffix s

lima6 liman7 limax14 calima10 climax17 limail8 limans8 calimas11 climate11 heliman12 limacel11 limaces11 limacon11 limails9 climatal12 climated13 climates12 climatic14 climaxed20 climaxes19 limacels12 limacine12 limacons12 limation10 acclimate15 climactic17 climating14 climatise13 climatize22 climature13 climaxing21 collimate13 disclimax21 limaceous13 limations11 shlimazel23 subclimax22 sublimate13 acclimated17 acclimates16 anticlimax21 climatical16 climatised15 climatises14 climatized24 climatizes23 climatures14 climaxless21 collimated15 collimates14 collimator14 ecoclimate16 galimatias13 limaciform19 limacology18 montelimar14 schlimazel26 shlimazels24 sublimable16 sublimated15 sublimates14 acclimating18 acclimation17 acclimatise17 acclimatize26 bioclimatic19 climacteric19 climactical19 climatising16 climatizing25 climatology19 collimating16 collimation15 collimators15 disclimaxes23 ecoclimates17 gallimaufry20 montelimars15 schlimazels27 sillimanite13 subclimaxes24 sublimating16 sublimation15 reacclimate17 acclimatable20 acclimations18 acclimatised19 acclimatiser18 acclimatises18 acclimatized28 acclimatizer27 acclimatizes27 anticlimaxes23 climacterics20 climatically21 climatologic19 collimations16 galimatiases15 limacologies17 limacologist17 macroclimate20 microclimate20 plagioclimax26 scapulimancy23 sillimanites14 subclimactic22 sublimations16 unacclimated19 unsublimated17 reacclimated19 reacclimates18 acclimatation19 acclimatisers19 acclimatising20 acclimatizers28 acclimatizing29 anticlimactic21 climacterical21 climactically24 climatography26 climatologies18 climatologist18 gallimaufries19 limacologists18 macroclimates21 macroclimatic23 microclimates21 microclimatic23 palaeoclimate19 reacclimatise19 reacclimatize28 scapulimantic21 paleoclimatic21 reacclimating20 acclimatations20 acclimatisable22 acclimatizable31 bioclimatology24 climatological21 climatologists19 palaeoclimates20 palaeoclimatic22 plagioclimaxes28 reacclimatised21 reacclimatises20 reacclimatized30 reacclimatizes29 scapulimancies22 unacclimatised21 unacclimatized30 acclimatisation21 acclimatization30 anticlimactical23 climacterically26 climatographies25 reacclimatising22 reacclimatizing31 climatologicall22 paleoclimatolog22 climatologically26 acclimatizations31 paleoclimatology26 anticlimactically28 paleoclimatologies25 paleoclimatologist25 paleoclimatologists26
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