Licitly is valid Scrabble Word

Is licitly a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is licitly valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LICITLY in dictionary:

Words related to LICITLY


Words that contain LICITLY

illicitly14 explicitly24 implicitly19 complicitly22 inexplicitly26

Similar words containing LICIT without suffix ly

licit7 elicit8 elicits9 illicit9 solicit9 elicited11 elicitor10 explicit19 felicity16 helicity16 implicit14 solicits10 solicity13 telicity13 complicit17 cyclicity21 duplicity17 eliciting12 elicitors11 explicits20 feliciter14 illicitly14 implicity18 licitness11 publicity18 solicited12 solicitor11 complicity21 elicitable14 explicitly24 felicitate15 felicities15 felicitous15 helicities15 implicitly19 inexplicit21 infelicity18 simplicity19 solicitant12 solicities12 soliciting13 solicitors12 solicitous12 solicitude13 telicities12 triplicity17 catholicity21 complicitly22 cyclicities20 duplicities16 duplicitous16 elicitation13 felicitated17 felicitates16 felicitator16 illicitness13 implicities17 licitnesses13 publicities17 simpliciter17 solicitants13 solicitings14 solicitudes14 unsolicited14 alcoholicity22 apostolicity19 complicities20 complicitous20 elicitations14 explicitness23 felicitating18 felicitation17 felicitators17 felicitously20 implicitness18 inexplicitly26 infelicities17 infelicitous17 multiplicity21 overexplicit26 simplicities18 solicitation14 solicitously17 triplicities16 unsolicitous14 catholicities20 duplicitously21 felicitations18 illicitnesses15 pollicitation17 quadruplicity30 solicitations15 solicitorship20 alcoholicities21 apostolicities18 explicitnesses25 felicitousness19 hydrophilicity31 implicitnesses20 inexplicitness25 infelicitously22 multiplicities20 oversolicitous19 pollicitations18 solicitorships21 solicitousness16 nucleophilicity27 quadruplicities29 felicitousnesse20 hydrophilicitie29 nucleophiliciti24 electrophilicit24 solicitousnesse17 electrophilicity28 solicitousnesses18 felicitousnesses21 hydrophilicities30 nucleophilicities26 electrophilicities27
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