Kab is valid Scrabble Word

Is kab a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is kab valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for KAB in dictionary:

Words related to KAB

cab7 kabs10

Words that contain KAB

kabs10 kabab13 kabar11 kabob13 nikab11 kababs14 kabaka16 kabala12 kabars12 kabaya15 kabele12 kabiki16 kabobs14 kaboom14 kabuki16 nikabs12 kabaddi15 kabakas17 kabalas13 kabayas16 kabbala15 kabeles13 kabikis17 kabocha18 kabooms15 kabukis17 likable13 likably16 makable15 peekabo15 pokable15 rockaby18 takable13 bankable16 bookable16 cookable16 hackable19 kababbed19 kabaddis16 kabalism16 kabalist14 kabbalah19 kabbalas16 kabeljou21 kablooey17 kablooie14 kabloona14 kabobbed19 kabochas19 kaboodle15 kickable20 linkable14 lockable16 maskable16 mockable18 packable18 peekaboo16 peekabos16 pickable18 rockable16 rockabye19 sackable16 shakable17 sinkable14 slakable14 smokable16 talkable14 walkable17 workable17 workably20 adorkable16 blockable19 breakable17 brookable17 checkable22 clickable19 cookables17 drinkable16 drinkably19 flickable20 frankable18 huckaback26 kababbing20 kabalisms17 kabalists15 kabbalahs20 kabbalism19 kabbalist17 kabeljous22 kabeljouw25 kabloonas15 kabloonat15 kabobbing20 kaboodles16 kickabout21 peekaboos17 pickaback25 rebukable17 revokable18 revokably21 rockabies17 Show more ...
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