Jural is valid Scrabble Word

Is jural a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is jural valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for JURAL in dictionary:

Words related to JURAL


Words that contain JURAL

bijural16 jurally17 bijuralism21 bijuralisms22

Similar words containing JUR without suffix al

jura11 jure11 jury14 jurat12 jurel12 jures12 juror12 juris12 abjure15 adjure14 injure13 injury16 jurant13 jurats13 jurels13 juried14 juries13 jurist13 jurors13 objure15 abjured17 abjurer16 abjures16 adjured16 adjurer15 adjures15 adjuror15 bijural16 conjure16 conjury19 injured15 injurer14 injures14 jurally17 jurants14 juridic17 jurists14 jurying18 juryman19 jurymen19 nonjury17 objured17 objures16 perjure16 perjury19 abjurers17 abjuring18 adjurers16 adjuring17 adjurors16 conjured18 conjurer17 conjures17 conjuror17 injurers15 injuries15 injuring16 jurassic17 juratory18 juristic17 juryless18 jurymast20 nonjuror15 objuring18 perjured18 perjurer17 perjures17 reinjure15 reinjury18 conjurers18 conjuries18 conjuring19 conjurors18 injurable18 injurious16 juridical19 jurymasts21 jurywoman24 jurywomen24 noninjury19 nonjuries16 nonjuring17 nonjurors16 objurgate19 perjurers18 perjuries18 perjuring19 perjurous18 reinjured17 reinjures16 unabjured19 uninjured17 abjuration19 adjuration18 adjuratory21 conjurator19 conjurings20 juristical19 objuration19 objurgated21 objurgates20 objurgator20 perjurious19 reinjuries17 reinjuring18 unperjured20 bijuralism21 abjurations20 adjurations19 conjuration20 conjurators20 conjurement22 injuriously21 juridically24 objurations20 objurgating22 objurgation21 objurgative24 objurgators21 objurgatory24 noninjuries18 bijuralisms22 conjurations21 conjurements23 jurisconsult21 jurisdiction22 jurisdictive25 jurisprudent22 juristically24 objurgations22 perjuriously24 injuriousness20 jurisconsults22 jurisdictions23 jurisprudence25 jurisprudents23 jurisdictional24 jurisprudences26 injuriousnesses22 jurisprudential25 jurisdictionall25 interjurisdicti25 jurisdictionally29 jurisprudentially30 interjurisdictional29
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