Jug is valid Scrabble Word

Is jug a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is jug valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for JUG in dictionary:

Words related to JUG

jugful17 jugged16 jugging17 juggings18 jugs12 pourie8

Words that contain JUG

juga12 jugs12 ajuga13 jugal13 jugum15 ajugas14 jugals14 jugate14 jugful17 jugged16 juggle15 juglet14 jugula14 jugums16 jugaad15 jugfuls18 jugging17 juggins16 juggled17 juggler16 juggles16 jughead19 juglets15 jugsful18 jugular15 jugulum17 juglone15 jugaads16 bijugate18 bijugous18 conjugal18 juggings18 jugglers17 jugglery20 juggling18 jugheads20 jugulars16 jugulate16 rejuggle17 conjugant19 conjugate19 jugginses18 jugglings19 jugulated18 jugulates17 outjuggle18 rejuggled19 rejuggles18 subjugate19 trijugate17 trijugous17 unijugate17 conjugable22 conjugally23 conjugants20 conjugated21 conjugates20 conjugator20 juggernaut19 juggleries19 jugglingly23 jugulating19 jugulation18 outjuggled20 outjuggles19 rejuggling20 subjugable22 subjugated21 subjugates20 subjugator20 unconjugal20 assubjugate21 conjugality24 conjugately24 conjugating22 conjugation21 conjugative24 conjugators21 juggernauts20 jugulations19 multijugate21 multijugous21 outjuggling21 subjugating22 subjugation21 subjugators21 assubjugated23 assubjugates22 conjugatings23 conjugations22 subjugations22 unconjugated23 assubjugating24 conjugalities23 conjugateness23 conjugational23 juglandaceous24 nonconjugated24 conjugatenesses25 conjugationally28

How to use JUG in a sentence

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