Incisal is valid Scrabble Word

Is incisal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is incisal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INCISAL in dictionary:

Similar words containing CIS without suffix al and without prefix in

cis5 cist6 cisco9 cissy10 cists7 locis7 boccis12 cercis10 ciscos10 cissus8 cisted9 cistic10 cistus8 excise15 fascis11 glacis9 incise8 nicish11 oecist8 precis10 racism10 racist8 abscise11 absciss11 bonacis11 ciscoes11 cissier9 cissies9 cissing10 cissoid10 cistern9 cistron9 concise11 duncish13 epicism13 epicist11 etacism11 excised17 excises16 fascism14 fascist12 grecise10 incised10 incises9 incisor9 itacism11 laicise9 laicism11 narcism11 narcist9 oecists9 precise11 racisms11 racists9 scissel9 scissil9 scissor9 succise11 leucism11 abscised13 abscises12 abscisic14 abscisin12 abscissa12 abscisse12 anticise10 atticise10 atticism12 atticist10 autecism12 betacism14 cercises12 cicisbei14 cicisbeo14 ciseleur10 ciselure10 cislunar10 cissiest10 cissings11 cissoids11 cissuses10 cisterna10 cisterns10 cistrons10 cistuses10 cistvaen13 civicism17 concised13 conciser12 concises12 cynicism17 decision11 decisive14 decisory14 dioecism13 epicisms14 epicists12 etacisms12 ethicise13 ethicism15 ethicist13 excising18 excision17 exercise17 exorcise17 exorcism19 exorcist17 fascismi15 fascismo15 fascisms15 fascista13 fascisti13 fascists13 francise13 glacises11 graecise11 grecised12 grecises11 hylicism18 hylicist16 hypocist18 incising11 incision10 incisive13 incisors10 incisory13 incisure10 iotacism12 itacisms12 laicised11 laicises10 laicisms12 logicise11 logicism13 logicist11 lyricise13 lyricism15 lyricist13 merycism17 narcisms12 narcissi10 narcists10 opticist12 parecism14 precised13 preciser12 precises12 recision10 saucisse10 scissels10 scissile10 scissils10 scission10 scissors10 scissure10 sinicise10 solecise10 solecism12 solecist10 stoicism12 leucisms12 abscising14 abscisins13 abscissae13 abscissas13 abscisses13 abscissin13 anglicise12 anglicism14 anglicist12 anticised12 anticises11 arabicise13 atticised12 atticises11 atticisms13 atticists11 autecisms13 autoecism13 belgicism16 betacisms15 biblicism17 biblicist15 boxercise20 cicisbeos15 cisalpine13 ciseleurs11 ciselures11 cispadane14 cisplatin13 cissified15 cisternae11 cisternal11 cistronic13 cistvaens14 civicisms18 cliticise13 concisely16 concisest13 concising14 concision13 criticise13 criticism15 cyclicism20 cynicisms18 decisions12 decistere12 dioecisms14 duncishly18 eroticise11 eroticism13 eroticist11 ethicised15 ethicises14 ethicisms16 ethicists14 ethnicism16 excisable20 exciseman20 excisemen20 excisions18 exercised19 exerciser18 exercises18 exorcised19 exorciser18 exorcises18 exorcisms20 exorcists18 exoticise18 exoticism20 exoticist18 fascistic16 francised15 francises14 gaelicise12 gaelicism14 gallicise12 gallicism14 gothicise15 gothicism17 graecised13 graecises12 grecising13 heroicise14 hylicisms19 hylicists17 hypocists19 imprecise15 incisions11 incisural11 incisures11 iotacisms13 irenicism13 italicise11 labdacism16 laicising12 leucistic13 logicised13 logicises12 logicisms14 logicists12 lyricised15 lyricises14 lyricisms16 lyricists14 merycisms18 metricise13 metricism15 metricist13 monoecism15 mosaicism15 mosaicist13 mysticism18 mythicise19 mythicism21 mythicist19 narcissus11 narcistic13 opticists13 ostracise11 ostracism13 parecisms15 paroecism15 physicism21 physicist19 poeticise13 poeticism15 precisely16 precisest13 precisian13 precising14 precision13 precisive16 proboscis15 promuscis15 publicise15 publicist15 recisions11 rhotacise14
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