Hors is valid Scrabble Word

Is hors a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hors valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HORS in dictionary:

Words that contain HORS

horse8 horst8 horsy11 khors12 abhors11 ahorse9 dehors10 ephors11 horsed10 horses9 horsey12 horsie9 horson9 horste9 horsts9 ichors11 anchors12 authors10 horsier10 horsies10 horsily13 horsing11 horsons10 horstes10 senhors10 unhorse10 anaphors13 bathorse13 biophors15 camphors17 chikhors20 dishorse12 horsebox20 horsecar13 horsefly17 horseman13 horsemen13 horsepox20 horseway17 horsiest11 horsings12 isochors13 markhors17 porthors13 redhorse12 sawhorse14 seahorse11 unhorsed12 unhorses11 warhorse14 bathorses14 canephors16 carthorse14 cataphors16 coanchors16 coauthors14 cockhorse20 dishorsed14 dishorses13 drayhorse16 horseback20 horsebean14 horsecars14 horsehair15 horsehide16 horseless12 horselike16 horsemeat14 horsemint14 horseplay17 horsepond15 horserace14 horseshit15 horseshod16 horseshoe15 horsetail12 horseways18 horseweed16 horsewhip20 horsiness12 iodophors15 metaphors16 packhorse20 parachors16 philhorse17 phosphors19 posthorse14 racehorse14 rearhorse12 redhorses13 sawhorses15 seahorses12 studhorse13 unanchors14 unhorsing13 warhorses15 woodhorse16 workhorse19 horsehead16 ahorseback21 authorship18 Show more ...

How to use HORS in a sentence

Similar words containing HOR without suffix s

hora7 hore7 hori7 hork11 horn7 khor11 abhor10 chord11 chore10 ephor10 horah11 horal8 horas8 horde9 horis8 horks12 horme10 horns8 horny11 horse8 horst8 horsy11 ichor10 khors12 mhorr10 shore8 shorl8 shorn8 short8 thorn8 thoro8 thorp10 whore11 whorl11 whort11 abhors11 ahorse9 anchor11 ashore9 author9 choral11 chorda12 chords12 chorea11 chored12 choree11 chores11 choria11 choric13 chorus11 cohorn11 cohort11 dehorn10 dehors10 dehort10 ephori11 ephors11 exhort16 horahs12 horary12 horded11 hordes10 horked14 horkey16 hormes11 hormic13 horned10 horner9 hornet9 horrid10 horror9 horsed10 horses9 horsey12 horsie9 horson9 horste9 horsts9 ichors11 mhorrs11 schorl11 senhor9 shoran9 shored10 shorer9 shores9 shorls9 shorts9 shorty12 thorax16 thoria9 thoric11 thorns9 thorny12 thoron9 thorpe11 thorps11 whored13 whores12 whorls12 Show more ...
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