Homolyses is valid Scrabble Word

Is homolyses a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is homolyses valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HOMOLYSES in dictionary:

Words related to HOMOLYSES


Similar words containing LYSE without suffix s and without prefix homo

lyse7 lysed9 lyses8 analyse10 dialyse11 analysed12 analyser11 analyses11 atmolyse13 autolyse11 biolyses13 catalyse13 dialysed13 dialyser12 dialyses12 hemolyse16 lyolyses14 lysergic14 paralyse13 polyseme15 polysemy18 pyrolyse16 analysers12 atmolysed15 atmolyses14 autolysed13 autolyses12 catalysed15 catalyser14 catalyses14 cytolyses17 dialysers13 emphlyses19 haemolyse17 hemolysed18 hemolyses17 hydrolyse19 lipolyses14 lysergide14 oncolyses14 paralysed15 paralyser14 paralyses14 photolyse17 polysemes16 polysemic18 pyrolysed18 pyrolyser17 pyrolyses17 reanalyse12 zymolyses26 amylolyses18 catalysers15 glycolyses19 haemolysed19 haemolyses18 histolyses16 hydrolysed21 hydrolyser20 hydrolyses20 karyolyses20 lysergides15 neurolyses13 ozonolyses22 paralysers15 photolysed19 photolyses18 plasmolyse17 polysemant17 polysemies17 polysemous17 proteolyse15 pyrolysers18 radiolyses14 reanalysed14 reanalyses13 solvolyses16 unanalysed14 uranalyses13 urinalyses13 zincolyses24 ammonolyses18 breathalyse19 electrolyse16 enzymolyses28 frontolyses17 hematolyses19 heterolyses17 hydrolysers21 metanalyses16 misanalyses16 overanalyse17 plasmolysed19 plasmolyses18 polysemants18 proteolysed17 proteolyses16 steatolyses14 thermolyses19 autocatalyse17 breathalysed21 breathalyser20 breathalyses20 electrolysed18 electrolyser17 electrolyses17 fibrinolyses20 haematolyses20 hemodialyses21 overanalysed19 overanalyses18 polysepalous19 thrombolyses22 unhydrolysed23 biocatalyses19 autocatalysed19 autocatalyses18 bacteriolyses20 breathalysers21 chromatolyses23 cryptanalyses23 cyclodialyses24 electrolysers18 epidermolyses21 haemodialyser22 haemodialyses22 hypnoanalyses24 microanalyses20 narcoanalyses18 pneumatolyses20 psychoanalyse26 spondylolyses22 glycogenolyses24 haemodialysers23 hydrogenolyses25 leucocytolyses24 leukocytolyses26 phosphorolyses27 photocatalyses24 psephoanalyses24 psychoanalysed28 psychoanalyser27 psychoanalyses27 rhabdomyolyses28 electroanalyses20 electrodialyses21 psychoanalysers28
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