Hemi is valid Words with Friends

Is hemi a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words NO
Is hemi valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HEMI in dictionary:

Words that contain HEMI

hemic12 hemin10 chemic15 hemina11 hemins11 bohemia14 chemics16 chemise14 chemism16 chemist14 heminas12 hemiola12 hemione12 hemipod15 schemie14 theming13 alchemic17 anthemia13 anthemic15 anthemis13 bohemian15 bohemias15 chemical17 chemises15 chemisms17 chemists15 hemiolas13 hemiolia13 hemiolic15 hemiones13 hemionus13 hemiopia15 hemiopic17 hemipode16 hemipods16 hemipter15 hyphemia21 ischemia15 ischemic17 lithemia13 lithemic15 sachemic17 schemies15 scheming16 alchemies16 alchemise16 alchemist16 alchemize25 antheming15 anthemion14 biochemic20 bohemians16 chemicals18 chemicked23 chemisorb18 chemistry19 chemitype21 chemitypy24 erythemic19 euphemise16 euphemism18 euphemist16 euphemize25 graphemic19 hemialgia15 hemicycle21 hemihedra18 hemihedry21 hemiolias14 hemiopias16 hemiopsia16 hemipodes17 hemipters16 hemispace18 hemistich19 hemitrope16 hemitropy19 hyphemias22 ischemias16 lithemias14 morphemic20 schemings17 alchemical19 alchemised18 alchemises17 alchemists17 alchemized27 alchemizes26 anthemises15 biochemist19 chemiatric19 chemically22 chemicking24 chemisette17 chemisorbs19 chemitypes22 dysphemism23 euphemised18 euphemiser17 euphemises17 euphemisms19 Show more ...
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