Gur is valid Scrabble Word

Is gur a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is gur valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GUR in dictionary:

Words related to GUR

goor5 gurs5

Words that contain GUR

gurl5 gurn5 gurs5 guru5 gurk9 augur6 gurdy10 gurge7 gurls6 gurly9 gurns6 gurry9 gursh9 gurus6 regur6 augurs7 augury10 bulgur9 figure10 gurami9 gurged9 gurges8 gurgle8 gurgly11 gurjun14 gurled8 gurlet7 gurned8 gurnet7 gurney10 gurrah10 langur7 ligure7 muggur10 regurs7 yogurt10 augural8 augured9 augurer8 bulgurs10 figural11 figured12 figurer11 figures11 guramis10 gurdies9 gurging10 gurgled10 gurgles9 gurglet9 gurjuns15 gurlets8 gurlier8 gurling9 gurnard9 gurnets8 gurneys11 gurning9 gurrahs11 gurrier8 gurries8 gurshes11 gurudom11 guruism10 langurs8 ligures8 muggurs11 pagurid11 yogurts11 augurers9 auguries9 auguring10 figurant12 figurate12 figurers12 figurine12 figuring13 figurist12 fulgural12 gurdwara13 gurglets10 gurglier10 gurgling11 gurgoyle13 gurliest9 gurnards10 gurriers9 gurudoms12 guruisms11 guruship14 oliguria9 oliguric11 pagurian11 pagurids12 refigure12 ziggurat19 augurship15 configure15 disfigure14 figurable15 figurally16 Show more ...

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