Gis is valid Scrabble Word

Is gis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is gis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GIS in dictionary:

Words related to GIS


Words that contain GIS

egis5 gism7 gist5 aegis6 agism8 agist6 gismo8 gisms8 gists6 ragis6 yagis9 yogis9 agisms9 agists7 atigis7 corgis9 egises7 gismos9 haggis11 hangis10 hongis10 legist7 lungis7 lurgis7 magism11 rangis7 sengis7 shogis10 tangis7 thagis10 wongis10 yogism12 aegises8 agisted9 agister8 agistor8 artigis8 biggish14 boggish14 cadagis11 doggish13 elegise8 elegist8 elogist8 gisarme10 haggish15 hoggish15 imagism12 imagist10 jiggish19 judogis16 largish11 leggism11 legists8 loggish12 longish11 magisms12 muggish14 oligist8 ologist8 palagis10 perogis10 piggish14 puggish14 riggish12 waggish15 waragis11 woggish15 yogisms13 agisters9 agisting10 agistors9 dirigism12 dreggish14 droogish13 drudgism13 druggist11 elegised10 elegises9 elegists9 elogists9 energise9 eulogise9 eulogist9 garagist10 gisarmes11 haggises13 imagisms13 imagists11 leggisms12 logistic11 magister11 oligists9 ologists9 oologist9 orangish12 priggish15 priggism14 register9 registry12 sarangis9 savagism14 sigisbei11 sigisbeo11 slangish12 sluggish13 swingism14 thuggish16 thuggism15 visagist12 youngish15 agistment12 allergist10 analogise10 analogism12 analogist10 apologise12 apologist12 biologism14 biologist12 bostangis12 collagist12 cumbungis16 dialogise11 dialogism13 dialogist11 dirigisme13 dirigisms13 dirigiste11 doggishly18 drudgisms14 druggists12 ecologist12 elegising11 energised11 energiser10 energises10 enologist10 epilogise12 epilogist12 eulogised11 eulogiser10 eulogises10 eulogists10 falangism15 falangist13 fungistat13 garagiste11 garagists11 geologise11 geologist11 gismology16 haggishly20 hoggishly20 imagistic14 legislate10 liturgism12 liturgist10 logistics12 magisters12 magistery15 magistral12 massagist12 monergism14 myologist15 neologise10 neologism12 neologist10 oologists10 orologist10 otologist10 panlogism14 paysagist15 piggishly19 priggisms15 prologise12 prologist12 regisseur10 registers10 registrar10 savagisms15 shilingis13 strongish13 swingisms15 syllogise13 syllogism15 syllogist13 synergise13 synergism15 synergist13 theurgist13 thuggisms16 ufologist13 urologist10 vikingism19 visagiste13 visagists13 waggishly20 zoologist19 engiscope14 angishore13 aerologist11 agistments13 agrologist12 algologist12 allergists11 analogised12 analogises11 analogisms13 analogists11 apologised14 apologiser13 apologises13 apologists13 atmologist13 aubergiste13 axiologist18 bantingism15 batologist13 biologisms15 biologists13 bryologist16 catalogise13 cetologist13 chaologist16 collagists13 cytologist16 decalogist14 demagogism17 deregister12 dialogised13 dialogises12 dialogisms14 dialogists12 dirigismes14 ecologists13 energisers11 energising12 enologists11 enregister11 epilogised14 epilogises13 epilogists13 ethologist14 etiologist11 eulogisers11 eulogising12 eulogistic13 falangisms16 falangists14 fetologist14 fungistats14 garagistes12 gemologist14 geologised13 geologises12 geologists12 geophagism19 geophagist17 homologise16 horologist14 ideologise12 ideologist12 kidologist16 legislated12 legislates11 legislator11 lethargise14 liturgisms13 liturgists11 logistical13 magistracy18 magistrals13 magistrand14 magistrate13 massagists13 misologist13 mixologist20 monergisms15 monologise13 monologist13 mycologist18 myologists16 neologised12 neologises11 neologisms13 neologists11 nomologist13 nosologist11 nostalgist11 nothingism16 oecologist13 oenologist11 oncologist13 ontologist11 optologist13 oreologist11 orologists11 otologists11 panlogisms15

Similar words containing GI without suffix s

gi3 gib6 gid5 gie4 gif7 gig5 gin4 gio4 gip6 git4 agin5 agio5 egis5 gibe7 gibs7 gids6 gied6 gien5 gies5 gifs8 gift8 giga6 gigs6 gila5 gild6 gill5 gilt5 gimp9 ging6 gink9 ginn5 gins5 gios5 gips7 gird6 girl5 girn5 giro5 girr5 girt5 gism7 gist5 gite5 gits5 give8 gizz23 magi7 ragi5 vagi8 yagi8 yogi8 aegis6 aggie7 agila6 agile6 aging7 agios6 agism8 agist6 agita6 algid7 algin6 argil6 atigi6 bagie8 begin8 bogie8 cogie8 corgi8 digit7 dogie7 fagin9 fogie9 fugie9 fugio9 fungi9 giant6 gibed9 gibel8 giber8 gibes8 gibli8 gibus8 giddy11 gifts9 gigas7 gighe10 gigot7 gigue7 gilas6 gilds7 gilet6 gills6 gilly9 gilpy11 gilts6 gimel8 gimme10 gimps10 gimpy13 ginch11 ginge7 gings7 ginks10 ginny9 ginzo15 gipon8 gippo10 gippy13 gipsy11 girds7 girls6 girly9 girns6 giron6 giros6 girrs6 girsh9 girth9 girts6 gismo8 gisms8 gists6 gitch11 gites6 giust6 gived10 given9 giver9 gives9 gizmo17 hangi9 hongi9 jagir13 legit6 logia6 logic8 logie6 login6 lungi6 lurgi6 magic10 oggin7 ogive9 orgia6 orgic8 pugil8 ragis6 rangi6 regie6 rigid7 sengi6 shogi9 sigil6 tangi6 thagi9 tragi6 vegie9 vigia9 vigil9 vogie9 wongi9 yagis9 yogic11 yogin9 yogis9 regia6 adagio8 aggies8 agilas7 agiler7 agings8 agisms9 agists7 agitas7 agogic10 algins7 alogia7 angico9 angina7 argils7 artigi7 atigis7 augite7 baggie10 baggit10 bagies9 begift12 begild10 begilt9 begins9 begird10 begirt9 biggie10 biggin10 bodgie10 bogied10 bogies9 boogie9 bougie9 budgie10 buggin10 bungie9 cadagi10 cagier9 cagily12 caging10 ciggie10 coggie10 cogies9 cogito9 congii9 corgis9 digits8 doggie9 dogies8 dugite8 edgier8 edgily11 edging9 eggier8 egging9 egises7 elegit7 engild8 engilt7 engine7 engird8 engirt7 fagins10 fisgig11 fizgig20 fogies10 frigid11 fugies10 fugios10 fulgid11 fungic12 gadgie9 gaging9 geggie9 giants7 giaour7 gibbed12 gibber11 gibbet11 gibbon11 gibels9 gibers9 gibing10 giblet9 giblis9 gibson9 giddap11 gidday12 giddup11 gidgee9 gidjee15 gieing8 gifted11 giftee10 gigged10 giggit9 giggle9 giggly12 giglet8 giglot8 gigman10 gigmen10 gigolo8 gigots8 gigues8 gilcup11 gilded9 gilden8 gilder8 gilets7 gilgai8 gilgie8 gilled8 giller7 gillet7 gillie7 gilpey12 gimbal11 gimels9 gimlet9 gimmal11 gimmer11 gimmes11 gimmie11 gimmor11 gimped12 gingal8 ginger8 ginges8 gingko12 gingle8 ginkgo12 ginned8
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