Gabs is valid Scrabble Word

Is gabs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is gabs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GABS in dictionary:

Words related to GABS

gab6 gabbed12 gabbing13

Words that contain GABS

nashgabs14 bafflegabs21

Similar words containing GAB without suffix s

gab6 gaby10 gabba10 gabby13 gable8 dagaba10 gabbas11 gabbed12 gabber11 gabble11 gabbro11 gabies9 gabion9 gabled10 gables9 gablet9 gaboon9 aufgabe13 bugaboo12 dagabas11 gabbard13 gabbart12 gabbers12 gabbier12 gabbing13 gabbled13 gabbler12 gabbles12 gabbros12 gabelle10 gabfest13 gabions10 gablets10 gabling11 gabnash13 gaboons10 gigabit11 jigaboo17 mangaby15 megabar12 megabit12 nashgab13 aufgabes14 bugaboos13 diggable13 gabbards14 gabbarts13 gabbiest13 gabblers13 gabbling14 gabbroic15 gabbroid14 gabelled12 gabeller11 gabelles11 gabfests14 gabioned12 gigabits12 gigabyte15 hangable14 huggable15 jigaboos18 luggable12 mangabey16 megabars13 megabits13 megabuck19 megabyte16 nashgabs14 singable11 slugabed12 vagabond15 abrogable14 bafflegab20 bloggable15 bridgable15 delegable13 fatigable15 floggable16 gabardine13 gabbiness14 gabblings15 gabellers12 gaberdine13 gabionade13 gabionage13 gablelike16 gabnashes15 gigabytes16 gluggable14 irrigable12 irrigably15 levigable15 litigable12 luggables13 mangabeys17 mangabies14 megabucks20 megabytes17 mitigable14 navigable15 navigably18 obligable14 pledgable15 relegable12 shaggable16 slugabeds13 sluggabed14 vagabonds16 abridgable16 bafflegabs21 conjugable22 gabapentin15 gabardines14 gabblement17 gabbroitic17 gaberdines14 gabionades14 gabionages14 gabionnade14 mangabeira15 propagable17 segregable14 sluggabeds15 subjugable22 unwedgable17 vagabonded18 gabapentins16 gabbinesses16 gabblements18 gaberlunzie23 gabionnades15 hangability20 humbuggable22 immitigable18 immitigably21 innavigable17 innavigably20 mangabeiras16 prolongable16 unmitigable16 unmitigably19 unnavigable17 vagabondage19 vagabonding19 vagabondise18 vagabondish21 vagabondism20 vagabondize27 fatigability21 gaberlunzies24 interrogable15 investigable18 irrefragable18 irrefragably21 knowledgable23 knowledgably26 navigability21 singableness15 vagabondages20 vagabondised20 vagabondises19 vagabondisms21 vagabondized29 vagabondizes28 fatigableness19 hangabilities19 indefatigable20 indefatigably23 navigableness19 propagability23 vagabondising21 vagabondizing30 fatigabilities20 immitigability24 navigabilities20 propagableness21 singablenesses17 circumnavigable27 fatigablenesses21 irrefragability24 knowledgability29 navigablenesses21 propagabilities22 indefatigablene22 irrefragabiliti21 indefatigabilit22 indefatigability26 irrefragabilities23 indefatigableness24 indefatigabilities25 indefatigablenesses26
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