Fros is valid Scrabble Word

Is fros a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fros valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for FROS in dictionary:

Words related to FROS


Words that contain FROS

afros8 frosh11 frost8 frosts9 frosty12 defrost11 froshes13 frosted11 defrosts12 enfrosen11 frostbit13 frosteds12 frostier11 frostily14 frosting12 frostnip13 defrosted14 defroster13 frostbite14 frostfish18 frostiest12 frostings13 frostless12 frostlike16 frostline12 frostnips14 frostwork19 hoarfrost15 defrosters14 defrosting15 frostbites15 frostbound16 frostiness13 frostlines13 frostworks20 hoarfrosts16 permafrost17 frostbiting17 frostbitten16 frostfishes20 permafrosts18 defrostings16 frostbitings18 frostinesses15

How to use FROS in a sentence

Similar words containing FRO without suffix s

fro6 afro7 froe7 frog8 from9 frow10 afros8 frock14 froes8 frogs9 frond9 frons8 front8 frore8 frorn8 frory11 frosh11 frost8 froth11 frown11 frows11 frowy14 froze17 afront9 frocks15 froggy14 froing10 froise9 frolic11 fronds10 fronts9 froren9 frorne9 frosts9 frosty12 froths12 frothy15 frouzy21 frowie12 frowns12 frowst12 frowsy15 frowzy24 frozen18 safrol9 frowny15 affront13 defrock17 defrost11 defroze20 enfroze19 frocked17 frogbit13 frogeye14 frogged13 froglet11 frogman13 frogmen13 froings11 froises10 frolics12 fromage13 fronded12 frontal10 fronted11 fronter10 frontes10 fronton10 froshes13 frosted11 frothed14 frother13 froughy17 frounce12 froward14 frowier13 frowned14 frowner13 frowsts13 frowsty16 hoofrot13 refront10 refroze19 saffron13 safrole10 safrols10 unfrock16 unfroze19 upfront12 affronte14 affronts14 bayfront16 bowfront16 bullfrog14 chaffron19 chamfron18 chanfron16 confront13 defrocks18 defrosts12 defrozen21 disfrock18 enfrosen11 enfrozen20 frocking18 frogbits14 frogeyed16 frogeyes15 frogfish18 froggery16 froggier13 frogging14 froglets12 froglike16 frogling13 froideur12 frolicky20 fromages14 fromenty16 frondage13 frondent12 frondeur12 frondose12 frondous12 frontage12 frontals11 fronters11 frontest11 frontier11 fronting12 frontlet11 frontman13 frontmen13 frontons11 frontoon11 frostbit13 frosteds12 frostier11 frostily14 frosting12 frostnip13 frothers14 frothery17 frothier14 frothily17 frothing15 frottage12 frotteur11 froufrou14 frounced14 frounces13 frouzier20 frowards15 frowiest14 frowners14 frowning15 frowsier14 frowsted15 frowster14 frowzier23 frowzily26 frozenly23 herefrom16 hoofrots14 leafroll11 leapfrog14 outfrown14 prefroze22 refronts11 refrozen20 saffrons14 saffrony17 safroles11 safronal11 seafront11 shofroth17 surfrode12 unfrocks17 unfrozen20 frownier14 frouzily23 frowsily17 affronted16 affrontee15 bayfronts17 bullfrogs15 chaffrons20 chamfrons19 chanfrons17 confronte14 confronts14 deepfroze24 defrocked20 defrosted14 defroster13 disfrocks19 forefront15 frockings19 frockless18 froggiest14 froggings15 froglings14 frogmarch20 frogmouth18 frogspawn18 froideurs13 frolicked19 frolicker18 frondages14 frondeurs13 frondless13 frontager13 frontages13 frontally15 frontenis12 frontiers12 frontless12 frontlets12 frontline12 frontlist12 frontoons12 frontpage15 frontward16 frontways18 frontwise15 frostbite14 frostfish18 frostiest12 frostings13 frostless12 frostlike16 frostline12 frostnips14 frostwork19 frothiest15 frothings16 frothless15 frottages13 frotteurs12 froufrous15 froughier16 frouncing15 frouziest21 frowardly19 frowsiest15 frowsters15 frowstier15 frowsting16 frowziest24 hoarfrost15 lakefront16 leafrolls12 leapfrogs15 nonfrozen21 outfrowns15 prefrozen23 proofroom16 refronted13 saffroned16 safronals12 sangfroid14 seafronts12 shelfroom17 shopfront17 staffroom17 therefrom17 unfrocked19 wavefront18 wherefrom20 frowniest15 affronting17 affrontive19 afrormosia15 beachfront20 breakfront19 chaudfroid20 confrontal15 confronted16 confronter15 deepfrozen25 defrocking21 defrosters14 defrosting15 disfrocked21 effrontery19 forefronts16 frogfishes20 froggeries15 froghopper21 frogmouths19 frogspawns19 frolickers19 frolicking20 frolicsome17 fromenties15 frontagers14 frontality16 frontcourt15 frontiered14 frontlines13
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