Forestation is valid Scrabble Word

Is forestation a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is forestation valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FORESTATION in dictionary:

Words related to FORESTATION


Words that contain FORESTATION

forestations15 afforestation19 deforestation17 reforestation16 afforestations20 deforestations18 disforestation18 reforestations17 disforestations19 reafforestation21 reafforestations22

Similar words containing STA without suffix tion and without prefix fore

stab6 stag5 stap6 star4 stat4 staw7 stay7 basta7 cesta7 costa7 festa8 hasta8 hosta8 pasta7 rasta5 sista5 stabs7 stack11 stade6 staff11 stage6 stags6 stagy9 staid6 staig6 stain5 stair5 stake9 stale5 stalk9 stall5 stamp9 stand6 stane5 stang6 stank9 staph10 staps7 stare5 stark9 starn5 starr5 stars5 start5 stash8 state5 stats5 staun5 stave8 staws8 stays8 testa5 vesta8 vista8 arista6 astare6 astart6 bestad9 bestar8 cestas8 costae8 costal8 costar8 cresta8 crista8 crusta8 cuesta8 distal7 egesta7 estate6 festal9 festas9 fiesta9 frusta9 hostas9 instal6 instar6 istana6 mistal8 pastas8 postal8 shasta9 siesta6 sistas6 stable8 stably11 stacks12 stacte8 stadda8 stades7 stadia7 staffs12 staged8 stager7 stages7 stagey10 staggy11 staigs7 stains6 stairs6 staith9 staked11 staker10 stakes10 stalag7 staled7 staler6 stales6 stalko10 stalks10 stalky13 stalls6 stamen8 stamps10 stance8 stanch11 stanck12 stands7 staned7 stanes6 stangs7 stanks10 stanol6 stanza15 stanze15 stanzo15 stapes8 staphs11 staple8 starch11 stared7 starer6 stares6 starks10 starns6 starrs6 starry9 starts6 starve9 stases6 stasis6 statal6 stated7 stater6 states6 static8 statim8 statin6 stator6 statto6 statua6 statue6 status6 stauns6 staved10 staves9 stawed10 stayed10 stayer9 stayne9 stayre9 testae6 upstay11 vestal9 vestas9 vistal9 vistas9 standi7 abstain9 aristae7 aristas7 astable9 astanga8 astarts7 astasia7 astatic9 astatki11 balista9 barista9 bastard10 bestain9 bestars9 bistate9 bobstay14 borstal9 bustard10 canasta9 capstan11 catasta9 celesta9 coastal9 costals9 costard10 costars9 costate9 crestal9 cristae9 crustae9 crustal9 crustas9 crystal12 cuestas9 custard10 dastard9 daystar11 destain8 distaff14 distain8 distant8 ecstasy12 enstamp11 estated8 estates7 eustacy12 eustasy10 festals10 fiestas10 gangsta9 genista8 gestalt8 gestant8 gestapo10 gestate8 hastate10 hostage11 ingesta8 install7 instals7 instant7 instars7 instate7 istanas7 lastage8 locusta9 mastaba11 mistake13 mistals9 mustang10 mustard10 onstage8 outstay10 podesta10 postage10 postals9 ramstam11 restack13 restaff13 restage8 restamp11 restart7 restate7 robusta9 shastas10 siestas7 stabbed12 stabber11 stabile9 stabled10 stabler9 stables9 stachys15 stacked14 stacker13 stacket13 stackup15 stactes9 staddas9 staddle9 stadial8 stadias8 stadium10 staffed14 staffer13 stagers8 stagery11 stagged10 stagger9 staggie9 stagier8 stagily11 staging9 staider8 staidly11 stained8 stainer7 staired8 staithe10 staiths10 stakers11 staking12 stalags8 stalely10 stalest7 staling8 stalked12 stalker11 stalkos11 stalled8 stamens9 stamina9
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