Foreshowed is valid Scrabble Word

Is foreshowed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is foreshowed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FORESHOWED in dictionary:

Words related to FORESHOWED

foreshow17 foreshowing21 foreshown18 foreshows18

Similar words containing SHOW without suffix ed and without prefix fore

show10 showd12 shown11 shows11 showy14 reshow12 showds13 showed13 shower12 airshow13 dogshow15 preshow15 reshown13 reshows13 showbiz24 showbox22 showded15 showers13 showery16 showghe17 showier13 showily16 showing14 showman15 showmen15 showoff19 unshown13 unshowy16 airshows14 aquashow23 dogshows16 dumbshow19 foreshow17 peepshow18 postshow16 preshown16 preshows16 reshowed15 reshower14 roadshow15 showable16 showboat16 showcase16 showding16 showdown18 showered15 showerer14 showghes18 showgirl15 showgoer15 showiest14 showings15 showjump25 showoffs20 showring15 showroom16 showtime16 showyard18 sideshow15 gameshow17 aftershow18 aquashows24 dumbshows20 floorshow18 foreshown18 foreshows18 peepshows19 preshowed18 reshowers15 reshowing16 roadshows16 seldshown16 showbizzy38 showboats17 showboxes24 showbread18 showcased18 showcases17 showdowns19 showerers15 showerful18 showerier15 showering16 showgirls16 showgoers16 showiness15 showjumps26 showmance19 showmanly20 showpiece19 showplace19 showrings16 showrooms17 showtimes17 showyards19 sideshows16 supershow17 unshowier15 slideshow16 gameshows18 aftershows19 floorshows19 overshower19 preshowing19 reshowered17 showbizzes36 showboated19 showboater18 showbreads19 showcasing19 showerhead20 showeriest16 showerings17 showerless16 showground18 showjumped28 showjumper27 showmances20 showpieces20 showplaces20 supershows18 unshowered17 unshowiest16 reshowings17 showrunner16 slideshows17 foreshowing21 overshowers20 reshowering18 showboaters19 showboating20 showerheads21 showeriness17 showerproof22 showgrounds19 showinesses17 showjumpers28 showjumping29 showmanship24 showrooming20 showstopper21 showbizzier37 showrunners17 showmanlier19 overshowered22 showerproofs23 showjumpings30 showmanships25 showroomings21 showstoppers22 showstopping23 showbizziest38 showmanliest20 overshowering23 showerinesses19 showerproofed25 thundershower23 showerproofing26 thundershowers24 showerproofings27
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