Foreships is valid Scrabble Word

Is foreships a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is foreships valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for FORESHIPS in dictionary:

Words related to FORESHIPS


Similar words containing SHIP without suffix s and without prefix fore

ship9 ships10 inship11 reship11 shippo13 unship11 airship12 dogship14 donship13 endship13 foxship22 godship14 gunship13 hership15 inships12 kinship16 ludship13 midship15 nunship12 palship14 preship14 reships12 shipful15 shiplap14 shipman14 shipmen14 shipped15 shippen14 shipper14 shippie14 shippon14 shippos14 shipway18 sibship14 sonship12 unships12 warship15 worship15 airships13 amidship16 antiship13 bardship16 chumship20 clanship15 deanship14 demyship19 dogeship15 dogships15 donships14 dukeship18 earlship13 endships14 fireship16 flagship17 foreship16 foxships23 godships15 gunships14 guruship14 hardship17 headship17 heirship16 heroship16 herships16 kingship18 kinships17 ladyship17 longship14 lordship14 ludships14 mageship16 mateship15 midships16 moonship15 nunships13 palships15 peatship15 poetship15 popeship17 preships15 rajaship20 serfship16 shipfuls16 shiplaps15 shipless13 shipload14 shipmate15 shipment15 shippens15 shippers15 shippies15 shipping16 shippons15 shipside14 shiptime15 shipways19 shipworm18 shipyard17 sibships15 sonships13 starship13 tankship17 township16 tranship13 treeship13 twinship16 wardship17 warships16 windship17 worships16 abbotship18 amidships17 arhatship17 augurship15 bardships17 bedelship17 blockship22 cadetship17 chelaship19 chiefship22 chumships21 clanships16 clerkship20 countship16 courtship16 deanships15 demyships20 devilship18 dogeships16 donorship15 drillship15 dukeships19 earlships14 eldership15 envoyship20 fireships17 flagships18 giantship15 guardship16 guideship16 guildship16 guruships15 hardships18 headships18 heirships17 heroships17 inshipped17 judgeship23 kingships19 knaveship21 ladyships18 lairdship15 lightship18 longships15 lordships15 mageships17 majorship23 mateships16 mayorship19 minorship16 moonships16 motorship16 ownership17 peatships16 poetships16 popeships18 priorship16 pupilship18 queenship23 rajahship24 rajaships21 reshipped17 reshipper16 ridership15 rivalship17 rogueship15 rulership14 saintship14 scaldship17 serfships17 shipboard17 shipborne16 shiploads15 shipmates16 shipments16 shipowner17 shippable18 shippings17 shippound17 shipshape19 shipsides15 shiptimes16 shipworms19 shipwreck23 shipyards18 sizarship23 skaldship19 spaceship18 starships14 steamship16 storeship14 subahship19 tankships18 thaneship17 townships17 tranships14 transship14 treeships14 troopship16 tutorship14 twinships17 uncleship16 unshipped17 upmanship18 ushership17 vicarship19 vizirship26 wardships18 windships18 worshiped18 worshiper17 reeveship17 abbotships19 aedileship16 airmanship17 archonship20 arhatships18 augurships16 authorship18 bailieship17 bashawship23 battleship17 beadleship18 bedellship18 bedelships18 blockships23 bursarship17 butlership17 cadetships18 censorship17 chelaships20 chiefships23 clerkships21 clientship17 consulship17 countships17 courtships17 cousinship17 cowardship21 curateship17 deaconship18 dealership16 devilships19 disworship19 docentship18 doctorship18 dollarship16 donorships16 drillships16 duennaship16 editorship16 elderships16 ensignship16 envoyships21 externship22 factorship20 fathership21 fellowship21 followship21 friendship19 giantships16 guardships17 guideships17 guildships17 gunmanship18 gunnership16 hectorship20 heraldship19 hetmanship20 holdership19 inshipping18 internship15 jockeyship31 judgeships24 kaisership19 keepership21 knaveships22 lairdships16 leadership16 lectorship17 legateship16 lesseeship15 lightships19 majorships24 mastership17 matronship17 mayorships20 mediumship20 membership21 mentorship17
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