Fallal is valid Scrabble Word

Is fallal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fallal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FALLAL in dictionary:

Words related to FALLAL

fallaleries14 fallalery15 fallals10

Words that contain FALLAL

fallals10 fallalery15 fallalish15 fallaleries14 fallalishly20

How to use FALLAL in a sentence

Similar words containing FALL without suffix al

fall7 falls8 befall11 fallen9 faller9 fallow12 infall9 onfall9 refall9 ashfall13 befalls12 catfall12 dewfall14 fallacy15 fallals10 fallers10 falling11 falloff16 fallout10 fallows13 icefall12 infalls10 jawfall20 misfall12 onfalls10 outfall10 pinfall12 pitfall12 refalls10 ashfalls14 backfall19 befallen13 bergfall14 catfalls13 deadfall13 dewfalls15 downfall15 evenfall14 fallaway17 fallback19 fallfish17 fallible13 fallibly16 fallings12 falloffs17 fallouts11 fallowed15 fallower14 farfalle14 footfall14 freefall14 icefalls13 jawfalls21 landfall12 misfalls13 outfalls11 overfall14 pinfalls13 pitfalls13 pratfall13 rainfall11 refallen11 rockfall17 snowfall14 spatfall13 trapfall13 unfallen11 windfall15 backfalls20 befalling15 bergfalls15 chainfall17 crossfall14 deadfalls14 downfalls16 earthfall15 evenfalls15 fallacies14 fallalery15 fallalish15 fallaways18 fallbacks20 fallboard15 fallowest15 fallowing16 farfalles15 footfalls15 infalling13 landfalls13 misfallen14 nightfall16 overfalls15 pratfalls14 rainfalls12 refalling13 rockfalls18 shortfall15 snowfalls15 spatfalls14 trapfalls14 waterfall15 windfalls16 chainfalls18 chapfallen20 chopfallen20 crossfalls15 downfallen17 earthfalls16 fallacious15 fallboards16 fallfishes19 fallowness16 infallible15 infallibly18 misfalling16 nightfalls17 overfallen16 pratfallen15 shortfalls16 unfallible15 waterfalls16 windfallen17 fallenness13 crestfallen16 fallaleries14 fallalishly20 fallibilism18 fallibilist16 fallibility19 infallibles16 overfalling18 pratfalling17 fallaciously20 fallibilisms19 fallibilists17 fallibleness17 fallownesses18 fallennesses15 crestfallenly21 fallibilities18 infallibilism20 infallibilist18 infallibility21 fallaciousness19 falliblenesses19 infallibilisms21 infallibilists19 infallibleness19 intrafallopian19 crestfallenness20 infallibilities20 fallaciousnesse20 fallaciousnesses21 crestfallennesses22
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