Execs is valid Scrabble Word

Is execs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is execs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXECS in dictionary:

Words related to EXECS


Similar words containing EC without suffix s and without prefix ex

ech8 eco5 ecu5 pec7 rec5 sec5 tec5 alec6 beck12 ceca8 deck11 deco7 ecad7 ecce8 ecco8 eche9 echo9 echt9 ecod7 ecos6 ecru6 ecus6 eech9 exec13 feck13 geck11 hech12 heck13 keck14 lech9 mech11 meck12 neck10 pech11 peck12 pecs8 reck10 recs6 sech9 seco6 secs6 sect6 spec8 tech9 tecs6 yech12 aecia7 aleck11 alecs7 areca7 becap11 becke13 becks13 beech12 blech12 caeca9 cecal9 cecum11 check16 cleck13 codec10 cosec9 cumec11 cusec9 decad9 decaf11 decal8 decan8 decay11 decko12 decks12 decor8 decos8 decoy11 decry11 dreck12 ecads8 eched11 eches10 echos10 eclat7 ecrus7 eject14 elect7 erect7 fecal10 feces10 fecht13 fecit10 fecks14 fleck14 gecko12 gecks12 grece8 hecht13 hecks14 kecks15 keech14 leccy12 leech10 mecca11 mechs12 mecks13 necks11 niece7 pecan9 pechs12 pecke13 pecks13 pecky16 peece9 piece9 rebec9 recal7 recap9 recce9 recco9 reccy12 recit7 recks11 recon7 recta7 recti7 recto7 recur7 recut7 reech10 secco9 sechs10 sects7 sneck11 speck13 specs9 spect9 techs10 techy13 tecta7 theca10 treck11 varec10 wecht13 wreck14 xebec16 yecch15 yechs13 yechy16 zebec18 recue7 abject17 advect12 aecial8 aecium10 affect14 alecks12 apiece10 arcsec10 arecas8 arrect8 aspect10 becall10 becalm12 became12 becaps12 becked15 beckes14 becket14 beckon14 beclog11 become12 becurl10 bedeck15 beechy16 bisect10 breech13 caecal10 caecum12 cecils10 cecity13 chebec15 checks17 checky20 cleche13 clecks14 clecky17 codecs11 copeck16 cosech13 cosecs10 creche13 cumecs12 cusecs10 decade10 decads10 decaff15 decafs12 decals9 decamp13 decane9 decani9 decans9 decant9 decarb11 decare9 decays12 deccie11 deceit9 decent9 decern9 decide10 decile9 decime11 decked14 deckel13 decker13 deckle13 deckos13 declaw12 decoct11 decode10 decoke13 decors9 decoys12 decree9 decrew12 dectet9 decury12 defect12 deject16 detect9 dioecy12 direct9 drecks13 drecky16 ecarte8 ecbole10 ecesic10 ecesis8 echard12 eching12 echini11 echium13 echoed12 echoer11 echoes11 echoey14 echoic13 eclair8 eclats8 eclose8 ecomap12 econut8 ectopy13 ectype13 ecurie8 eczema19 eeched12 eeches11 effect14 ejecta15 ejects15 elects8 erects8 esnecy11 expect17 exsect15 eyecup13 faecal11 faeces11 fechts14 fecial11 fecked16 feckin15 feckly18 fecula11 fecund12 fennec11 fleche14 flecks15 flecky18 fleece11 fleech14 fleecy14 gecked14 geckos13 greces9 greece9 griece9 hechts14 heckle15 hectic13 hector11 humect13 icecap12 infect11 inject15 insect8 ipecac12 kecked17 keckle16 kecksy19
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