Esthesis is valid Scrabble Word

Is esthesis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is esthesis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ESTHESIS in dictionary:

Words related to ESTHESIS

aesthesis12 estheses11 esthesia11 esthesises13

Words that contain ESTHESIS

aesthesis12 esthesises13 anaesthesis14 cenesthesis16 kinesthesis18 somesthesis16 coenesthesis17 kinaesthesis19 somaesthesis17 synaesthesis18 coenaesthesis18 radiesthesist17 somesthesises18 radiesthesists18 somaesthesises19 unanaesthesised19

Similar words containing ESTHESI without suffix s

esthesia11 aesthesia12 aesthesis12 esthesias12 aesthesias13 anesthesia13 esthesises13 anaesthesia14 anaesthesis14 anesthesias14 baresthesia16 cenesthesia16 cenesthesis16 esthesiogen15 hypesthesia22 hypesthesic24 kinesthesia18 kinesthesis18 panesthesia16 paresthesia16 somesthesia16 somesthesis16 synesthesia17 telesthesia14 aesthesiogen16 anaesthesias15 baraesthesia17 baresthesias17 cenesthesias17 coenesthesia17 coenesthesis17 dysaesthesia19 esthesiogens16 hypaesthesia23 hypaesthesic25 hypesthesias23 kinaesthesia19 kinaesthesis19 kinesthesias19 panaesthesia17 panesthesias17 paraesthesia17 paresthesias17 radiesthesia16 somaesthesia17 somaesthesis17 somesthesias17 synaesthesia18 synaesthesis18 synesthesias18 telaesthesia15 telesthesias15 aesthesiogens17 baraesthesias18 coenaesthesia18 coenaesthesis18 coenesthesias18 cryptesthesia23 dysaesthesias20 hypaesthesias24 hyperesthesia24 kinaesthesias20 panaesthesias18 paraesthesias18 radiesthesias17 radiesthesist17 somaesthesias18 somesthesises18 synaesthesias19 telaesthesias16 thermesthesia21 aesthesiogenic20 anesthesiology21 coenaesthesias19 cryptaesthesia24 cryptesthesias24 hyperaesthesia25 hyperaesthesic27 hyperesthesias25 pseudaesthesia20 radiesthesists18 somaesthesises19 thermaesthesia22 thermesthesias22 acroparesthesia22 anaesthesiology22 cryptaesthesias25 hyperaesthesias26 pseudaesthesias21 thermaesthesias23 unanaesthesised19 unanaesthesized28 anesthesiologie19 anesthesiologis19 anesthesiologies20 anesthesiologist20 anesthesiologists21
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