Enfaced is valid Scrabble Word

Is enfaced a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is enfaced valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ENFACED in dictionary:

Words related to ENFACED

enface11 enfaces12 enfacing14

Similar words containing FAC without suffix ed and without prefix en

face9 fact9 faced11 facer10 faces10 facet10 facia10 facta10 facts10 facto10 facie10 biface13 deface12 efface14 enface11 facade12 facers11 facete11 facets11 faceup13 faciae11 facial11 facias11 facies11 facile11 facing12 factis11 factor11 factum13 facula11 olfact11 reface11 unfact11 bifaces14 biofact14 catface14 defaced14 defacer13 defaces13 dogface14 effaced16 effacer15 effaces15 enfaces12 facades13 facebar14 faceman14 facemen14 faceoff18 faceted13 facials12 faciend13 facings13 faconne12 factful15 factice14 faction12 factive15 factoid13 factors12 factory15 factual12 factums14 facture12 faculae12 facular12 faculty15 geofact13 nonfact12 olfacts12 outface12 pigface15 preface14 proface14 refaced13 refaces12 surface12 unfacts12 uniface12 defacto13 artefact13 artifact13 benefact15 bifacial15 biofacts15 boldface16 boniface15 catfaces15 clubface17 coalface15 cofactor15 defacers14 defacing15 dogfaces15 effacers16 effacing17 enfacing14 faceable15 facebars15 facebook19 facedown17 faceless13 facelift16 facemail15 facemask19 faceoffs19 facetely16 facetiae13 facetime15 faceting14 facetted14 facially16 faciends14 facilely16 facility16 faconnes13 factices15 factions13 factious13 factises13 factoids14 factored14 factotum15 factures13 foreface16 fuckface22 fullface16 geofacts14 hardface17 moonface15 nonfacts13 olfacted14 outfaced14 outfaces13 paleface15 pigfaces16 postface15 prefaced16 prefacer15 prefaces15 refacing14 shitface16 surfaced14 surfacer13 surfaces13 typeface18 unifaces13 wheyface22 facepalm17 postfact15 artefacts14 artifacts14 baldfaced18 barefaced17 benefacts16 blackface22 boldfaced18 boldfaces17 bonifaces16 catfacing17 chalkface23 clubfaces18 coalfaces16 cofactors16 doughface19 facebooks20 facecloth19 facedowns18 facelifts17 facemails16 facemasks20 faceplate16 faceprint16 facetimed17 facetimes16 facetings15 facetious14 facetting15 facialist14 facsimile16 facticity19 factional14 factitive17 factoidal15 factorage15 factorial14 factories14 factoring15 factorise14 factorize23 factotums16 factsheet17 factually17 faculties14 facundity18 fairfaced18 falseface17 forefaces17 fuckfaces23 fullfaces17 goodfaced17 hardfaces18 interface14 lightface18 moonfaced17 moonfaces16 nonfactor14 olfacting15 olfaction14 olfactive17 olfactory17 outfacing15 palefaces16 postfaces16 prefacers16 prefacial16 prefacing17 resurface14 shitfaced18 shitfaces17 surfacers14 surfacing15 trifacial14 tufaceous14 typefaces19 undefaced16 uneffaced18 ventifact17 wheyfaced24 wheyfaces23 whiteface20 facepalms18 clockface22 unfaceted15 faceplant16 arefaction15 benefacted18 benefactor17 bifacially20 blackfaced24 blackfaces23 boldfacing19 calefactor17 catfacings18 chalkfaces24 defaceable18 defacement18 defacingly20 doughfaced21 doughfaces20 effaceable20 effacement20 enfacement17 facebooked22 facecloths20 facelifted19 faceplates17 faceprints17 facetiming18 faceworker22 facialists15 facileness15 facilitate15 facilities15 facinorous15 facsimiled18 facsimiles17 factionary18 factionist15 factiously18 factitious15 factorable17 factorages16 factorials15 factorings16 factorised16 factorises15 factorized25 factorizes24 factorship20 factsheets18 factualism17 factualist15 factuality18 falsefaces18 interfaced16 interfaces15 lightfaced20 lightfaces19 malefactor17 multifaced18 nonfactors15 nonfactual15 nonfaculty18 olfactible17 olfactions15 overfacile18 resurfaced16 resurfacer15 resurfaces15
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