Enaunter is valid Scrabble Word

Is enaunter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is enaunter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for ENAUNTER in dictionary:

Similar words containing AUNT without suffix er and without prefix en

aunt4 aunts5 aunty8 daunt6 gaunt6 haunt8 jaunt12 naunt5 saunt5 taunt5 vaunt8 aunter6 auntie6 auntly9 avaunt9 chaunt11 daunts7 draunt7 fiaunt9 flaunt9 gaunts7 haunts9 jaunts13 jaunty16 naunts6 saunts6 taunts6 vaunts9 vaunty12 ascaunt9 aunters7 aunties7 avaunts10 chaunts12 daunted9 daunter8 daunton8 draunts8 fiaunts10 flaunts10 flaunty13 gaunted9 gaunter8 gauntly11 gauntry11 haunted11 haunter10 jaunted15 jauntee14 jauntie14 pesaunt9 romaunt9 saunted8 saunter7 talaunt7 taunted8 taunter7 vaunted11 vaunter10 vauntie10 armgaunt11 aunthood12 auntlier8 auntlike12 avaunted12 chaunted14 chaunter13 chauntry16 daunters9 daunting10 dauntons9 draunted10 flaunted12 flaunter11 gauntest9 gaunting10 gauntlet9 gauntree9 haunters11 haunting12 jauntier15 jaunties15 jauntily18 jaunting16 outvaunt11 persaunt10 pesaunts10 romaunts10 saunters8 saunting9 talaunts8 taunters8 taunting9 vauntage12 vaunters11 vauntery14 vauntful14 vauntier11 vaunting12 aunthoods13 auntliest9 avaunting13 chaunters14 chaunting15 dauntless10 dauntoned11 draunting11 flaunters12 flauntier12 flauntily15 flaunting13 gauntlets10 gauntness10 gauntrees10 gauntries10 grandaunt11 hauntings13 jauntiest16 misaunter11 outvaunts12 paravaunt14 puissaunt11 sauntered10 saunterer9 tauntings10 undaunted11 unhaunted13 vauntages13 vauntiest12 vauntings13 chauntress15 chauntries15 dauntingly15 dauntoning12 flauntiest13 gauntleted12 grandaunts12 hauntingly17 jauntiness17 jauntingly21 misaunters12 outvaunted14 saunterers10 sauntering11 tauntingly14 vaunteries13 vauntingly17 undaunting12 dauntlessly15 flauntiness14 flauntingly18 gauntleting13 gauntnesses12 outvaunting15 saunterings12 undauntable14 undauntedly16 chauntresses17 jauntinesses19 saunteringly16 dauntlessness14 flauntinesses16 undauntedness15 dauntlessnesses16 undauntednesses17
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