Emunging is valid Scrabble Word

Is emunging a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emunging valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for EMUNGING in dictionary:

Words related to EMUNGING


Similar words containing UNG without suffix ing and without prefix em

bung7 dung6 fung8 gung6 hung8 lung5 mung7 pung7 rung5 sung5 tung5 brung8 bungs8 bungy11 clung8 dungs7 dungy10 flung9 fungi9 fungo9 fungs9 gunge7 gungy10 lunge6 lungi6 lungs6 munga8 munge8 mungo8 mungs8 punga8 pungs8 rungs6 slung6 stung6 swung9 tungs6 ungag7 unget6 ungod7 ungot6 ungum8 wrung9 young9 bebung11 bedung10 besung9 blunge9 bunged10 bungee9 bunger9 bungey12 bungie9 bungle9 dunged9 dunger8 emunge9 eumung9 fungal10 fungic12 fungos10 fungus10 grunge8 grungy11 gunged9 gunges8 hungan10 hunger10 hungry13 jungle14 jungli14 jungly17 lounge7 loungy10 lungan7 lunged8 lungee7 lunger7 lunges7 lungie7 lungis7 lungyi10 maungy12 mungas9 munged10 munges9 mungos9 mzungu18 plunge9 pungas9 pungle9 raunge7 rehung10 runged8 scunge9 scungy12 sprung9 spunge9 strung7 sungar7 ungags8 ungain7 ungear7 ungets7 ungild8 ungilt7 ungird8 ungirt7 unglad8 unglue7 ungods8 ungord8 ungown10 ungual7 ungues7 unguis7 ungula7 ungums9 ungyve13 unhung10 unsung7 uphung12 youngs10 ahungry14 anklung12 bebungs12 bedungs11 blunged11 blunger10 blunges10 bungees10 bungers10 bungeys13 bungies10 bunging11 bungled11 bungler10 bungles10 chaunge13 dungeon9 dungers9 dungier9 dunging10 emunged11 emunges10 eumungs10 expunge17 fungals11 fungoed12 fungoes11 fungoid12 fungous11 geebung11 grunger9 grunges9 grungey12 gungier9 gunging10 houngan11 hungans11 hungers11 jungled16 jungles15 junglis15 lounged9 lounger8 lounges8 loungey11 lungans8 lungees8 lungers8 lungful11 lungies8 lunging9 lungyis11 munging11 mungoes10 mzungus19 outrung8 outsung8 plunged11 plunger10 plunges10 pungent10 pungled11 pungles10 raunged9 raunges8 scunged11 scunges10 spunges10 sungars8 sunglow11 tohunga11 umlungu10 ungated9 ungazed18 ungears8 ungilds9 ungirds9 ungirth11 unglove11 unglued9 unglues8 ungodly12 ungored9 ungowns11 ungreen8 ungroup10 ungrown11 unguard9 unguent8 ungulae8 ungular8 unguled9 ungyved15 ungyves14 unslung8 unstung8 unwrung11 unyoung11 upflung13 upswung13 younger11 youngly14 youngth14 angklung14 anklungs13 aqualung18 arapunga11 bedunged13 beestung11 blungers11 blunging12 bungalow14 bunghole14 bunglers11 bungling12 bungwall14 chaunged15 chaunges14 cumbungi15 dispunge12 dungaree10 dungeons10 dungheap15 dunghill13 dungiest10 dungmere12 enhunger12 enraunge9 expunged19 expunger18 expunges18 fungible14 fungoids13 fungoing13 funguses12 geebungs12 grungers10 grungier10 gungiest10 houngans12 hungered13 hungerly15 hungover15 hungrier12 hungrily15 implunge13 junglier16 junglist16 loungers9 loungier9 lounging10 lungeing10 lungfish15 lungfuls12 lungless9 lungworm14 lungwort12 maungier11 mudslung12 mundungo12 mungcorn13 mungoose11 outflung12 outswung12 overhung15 plungers11 plunging12 pungence13 pungency16 pungling12 raunging10 replunge11 resprung11 restrung9 rungless9 scrounge11 scroungy14
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