Emuling is valid Scrabble Word

Is emuling a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emuling valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for EMULING in dictionary:

Words related to EMULING


Words that contain EMULING


Similar words containing UL without suffix ing and without prefix em

gul4 pul5 ule3 ulu3 ult3 aula4 auld5 bulb8 bulk10 bull6 caul6 cull6 culm8 cult6 dule5 dull5 duly8 exul11 foul7 full7 gula5 gule5 gulf8 gull5 gulp7 guls5 guly8 haul7 hula7 hule7 hulk11 hull7 kula8 lull4 lulu4 lulz13 maul6 mule6 mull6 noul4 null4 ould5 oulk8 paul6 pula6 pule6 puli6 pulk10 pull6 pulp8 puls6 pulu6 puly9 roul4 rule4 ruly7 saul4 scul6 shul7 soul4 sulk8 sulu4 tule4 ulan4 ules4 ulex11 ulna4 ulus4 ulva7 vuln7 waul7 wull7 yule7 zulu13 vult7 adult6 afoul8 ahull8 alula5 ampul9 annul5 aulas5 aulic7 auloi5 aulos5 awful11 babul9 baulk11 boule7 boult7 brule7 bulbs9 bulge8 bulgy11 bulks11 bulky14 bulla7 bulls7 bully10 bulse7 capul9 cauld8 caulk11 cauls7 could8 culch12 culet7 culex14 culls7 cully10 culms9 culpa9 culti7 cults7 culty10 dault6 doula6 dulce8 dules6 dulia6 dulls6 dully9 dulse6 emule7 exuls12 exult12 fauld9 fault8 foule8 fouls8 fulls8 fully11 gault6 ghoul9 gulag7 gular6 gulas6 gulch11 gules6 gulet6 gulfs9 gulfy12 gulls6 gully9 gulph11 gulps8 gulpy11 hauld9 haulm10 hauls8 hault8 hulas8 hules8 hulks12 hulky15 hullo8 hulls8 hully11 inula5 jarul12 joule12 julep14 kitul9 kulak13 kulan9 kulas9 kulfi12 lulls5 lulus5 manul7 mauls7 miaul7 mogul8 mould8 mouls7 moult7 mulch12 mulct9 muled8 mules7 muley10 mulga8 mulie7 mulla7 mulls7 mulse7 mulsh10 mvule10 nould6 noule5 nouls5 nulla5 nulls5 oculi7 oulks9 ovule8 pauls7 picul9 pikul11 pipul9 poule7 poulp9 poult7 proul7 pulao7 pulas7 puled8 puler7 pules7 pulik11 pulis7 pulka11 pulks11 pulli7 pulls7 pully10 pulmo9 pulps9 pulpy12 pulse7 pulus7 roule5 rouls5 ruled6 ruler5 rules5 sauls5 sault5 schul10 sculk11 scull7 sculp9 sculs7 shaul8 shule8 shuln8 shuls8 simul7 skulk13 skull9 souls5 spaul7 spule7 stull5 stulm7 sulci7 sulfa8 sulfo8 sulks9 sulky12 sully8 sulph10 sulus5 tauld6 trull5 truly8 tules5 tulip7 tulle5 tulpa7 tulsi5 ulama7 ulans5 ulcer7 ulema7 ulmin7 ulnad6 ulnae5 ulnar5 ulnas5 ulpan7 ultra5 ulvas8 ulyie8 ulzie14 uvula8 vault8 voulu8 vulgo9 vulns8 vulva11 waulk12 wauls8 woful11 would9 wulls8 yauld9 yokul12 yulan8 yules8 zulus14 multi7 julia12 abulia8 abulic10 aculei8 adults7 aemule8 aidful10 aimful11
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