Emulates is valid Scrabble Word

Is emulates a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emulates valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EMULATES in dictionary:

Words related to EMULATES

emulate9 emulated11 emulating12

Words that contain EMULATES


Similar words containing ULATE without suffix s and without prefix em

adulate8 emulate9 oculate9 ovulate10 ululate7 adulated10 adulates9 ambulate12 angulate9 annulate8 canulate10 copulate12 cumulate12 cupulate12 emulated11 fabulate13 hamulate13 insulate8 jaculate17 jugulate16 ligulate9 lobulate10 loculate10 lunulate8 maculate12 modulate11 oculated11 osculate10 ovulated12 ovulates11 peculate12 populate12 radulate9 regulate9 rosulate8 simulate10 subulate10 tabulate10 tubulate10 ululated9 ululates8 undulate9 ungulate9 ustulate8 vapulate13 aciculate13 acidulate12 ambulated14 ambulates13 angulated11 angulates10 annulated10 annulates9 apiculate13 calculate13 cannulate11 canulated12 canulates11 capsulate13 cingulate12 circulate13 clavulate14 coagulate12 consulate11 copulated14 copulates13 crenulate11 cumulated14 cumulates13 ejaculate18 fabulated15 fabulates14 falculate14 fistulate12 formulate14 fossulate12 granulate10 gratulate10 inoculate11 insulated10 insulates9 jaculated19 jaculates18 jugulated18 jugulates17 ligulated11 lingulate10 lobulated12 loculated12 lunulated10 maculated14 maculates13 mangulate12 modulated13 modulates12 nodulated11 osculated12 osculates11 peculated14 peculates13 pendulate12 pinnulate11 planulate11 plumulate13 populated14 populates13 postulate11 pullulate11 pustulate11 regulated11 regulates10 sacculate13 scopulate13 serrulate9 simulated12 simulates11 spatulate11 speculate13 spiculate13 spinulate11 sporulate11 stimulate11 stipulate11 tabulated12 tabulates11 tegulated11 tremulate11 tribulate11 tubulated12 tubulates11 undulated11 undulates10 ungulates10 ustulated10 ustulates9 vapulated15 vapulates14 virgulate13 accumulate16 aciculated15 acidulated14 acidulates13 articulate12 auriculate12 avunculate15 biannulate12 biloculate14 calculated15 calculates14 calyculate17 cannulated13 cannulates12 capitulate14 capsulated15 catenulate12 cellulated13 cingulated14 circulated15 circulates14 coagulated14 coagulates13 consulates12 crenulated13 cumulately17 demodulate14 depopulate15 deregulate12 edentulate11 ejaculated20 ejaculates19 emasculate14 estipulate12 flocculate17 formulated16 formulates15 funiculate15 gastrulate11 geniculate13 granulated12 granulater11 granulates11 gratulated12 gratulates11 immaculate16 infibulate15 inoculated13 inoculates12 inosculate12 lingulated12 mangulated14 mangulates13 manipulate14 nummulated15 operculate14 orbiculate14 paniculate14 pediculate15 pendulated14 pendulates13 pinnulated13 postulated13 postulates12 pullulated13 pullulates12 punctulate14 pustulated13 pustulates12 repopulate14 reregulate11 reticulate12 sacculated15 scapulated15 serrulated11 spathulate15 speculated15 speculates14 spiculated15 sporulated13 sporulates12 stellulate10 stimulated13 stimulater12 stimulates12 stipulated13 stipulates12 stridulate11 tremulated13 tremulates12 tribulated13 tribulates12 undulately14 utriculate12 vesiculate15 accumulated18 accumulates17 articulated14 articulates13 auriculated14 avunculates16 bursiculate15 campanulate17 capitulated16 capitulates15 carunculate15 cauliculate15 claviculate18 confabulate18 corbiculate17 corniculate15 decapsulate16 demodulated16 demodulates15 denticulate14 depopulated17 depopulates16 deregulated14 deregulates13 dissimulate14 emasculated16 emasculates15 encapsulate15 expostulate20 exstipulate20 fasciculate18 flammulated19 flocculated19 flocculates18 folliculate16 forficulate19 funambulate18 gastrulated13 gastrulates12 geniculated15 geniculates14 gesticulate14 glomerulate14 granulaters12 incapsulate15 infibulated17 infibulates16 inosculated14 inosculates13 mandibulate16 manipulated16 manipulates15 matriculate15 monticulate15 notungulate12 operculated16 orbiculated16 outpopulate15 paniculated16 papillulate15 particulate15 pediculated17 pediculates16 pedunculate16 peninsulate13 perambulate17 preambulate17
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