Emics is valid Scrabble Word

Is emics a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emics valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for EMICS in dictionary:

Words related to EMICS


Words that contain EMICS

chemics16 endemics13 polemics14 academics16 epidemics16 leukemics17 pandemics16 phonemics18 proxemics22 systemics16 tagmemics16 epistemics16 graphemics20 morphemics21 emphysemics25 nonacademics19 thalassemics19 nonsystemics19 hypoglycemics31 antiacademics20 thalassaemics20 morphophonemics31

Similar words containing IC without suffix s and without prefix em

hic8 ice5 ich8 ick9 icy8 mic7 pic7 sic5 tic5 bice8 chic11 dice7 dich10 dick11 dict7 emic8 epic8 eric6 etic6 fice9 fico9 flic9 hick13 huic9 iced7 icer6 ices6 ichs9 icks10 icky13 icon6 kick14 laic6 lice6 lich9 lick10 mica8 mice8 mich11 mick12 mico8 mics8 nice6 nick10 odic7 otic6 oxic13 pica8 pice8 pick12 pics8 pyic11 rice6 rich9 rick10 ricy9 saic6 sice6 sich9 sick10 sics6 spic8 tice6 tich9 tick10 tics6 uric6 vice9 wice9 wich12 wick13 zoic15 vici9 acmic11 amice9 amici9 amnic9 antic7 areic7 artic7 asdic8 aspic9 attic7 aulic7 auric7 azoic16 baric9 basic9 biccy14 bicep11 bices9 boric9 brick13 ceric9 chica12 chich15 chick16 chico12 chics12 civic12 Show more ...
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