Embused is valid Scrabble Word

Is embused a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is embused valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EMBUSED in dictionary:

Words related to EMBUSED


Similar words containing BUS without suffix ed and without prefix em

bus5 bush9 busk10 buss6 bust6 busy9 abuse7 babus9 bubus9 busby12 bused8 buses7 bushy13 busks11 busky14 bussu7 busti7 busts7 busty10 debus8 embus9 gibus8 habus10 lobus7 ombus9 rebus7 rubus7 tabus7 zebus16 zobus16 abused9 abuser8 abuses8 airbus8 ambush13 busbar10 busboy13 busera8 bushed12 bushel11 busher11 bushes11 bushie11 bushwa14 busied9 busier8 busies8 busily11 busing9 busked13 busker12 busket12 buskin12 busman10 busmen10 bussed9 busses8 bussus8 busted9 bustee8 buster8 bustic10 bustis8 bustle8 embusy13 globus9 iambus10 jambus17 kombus14 konbus12 limbus10 lumbus10 morbus10 nimbus10 robust8 sorbus8 unbusy11 urubus8 abusage10 abusers9 abusing10 abusion9 abusive12 aerobus9 autobus9 busbars11 busbies11 busboys14 buseras9 busgirl10 bushels12 bushers12 bushfly18 bushido13 bushier12 bushies12 bushily15 bushing13 bushlot12 bushman14 bushmen14 bushpig15 bushtit12 bushwah18 bushwas15 busiest9 busings10 buskers13 buskets13 busking14 buskins13 busload10 bussing10 bustard10 bustees9 busters9 bustics11 bustier9 busting10 bustled10 bustler9 bustles9 busuuti9 busying13 colobus11 combust13 databus10 debused11 debuses10 embuses11 ephebus14 fidibus13 gibuses10 hagbush16 helibus12 incubus11 jacobus18 lowbush15 maybush17 minibus11 omnibus11 phoebus14 playbus14 postbus11 railbus9 rebuses9 rhombus14 robusta9 rubuses9 tarbush12 ynambus14 midibus12 abusable12 abusages11 abusions10 airbuses10 ambushed16 ambusher15 ambushes15 arbuscle12 arquebus19 babushka19 bluebush15 busgirls11 bushbaby20 bushbuck21 busheled14 busheler13 bushfire16 bushgoat14 bushidos14 bushiest13 bushings14 bushland14 bushless13 bushlike17 bushlots13 bushmeat15 bushpigs16 bushtits13 bushveld17 bushwahs19 bushwalk20 business10 buskined15 buskings15 busloads11 bussings11 bustards11 bustiers10 bustiest10 bustings11 bustlers10 bustline10 bustling11 busulfan13 busuutis10 busybody19 busyness13 busywork20 cattabus12 combusts14 cottabus12 debusing12 debussed12 debusses11 disabuse11 embusied13 embusies12 embusing13 embusque21 embussed13 embusses12 firebush16 gambusia13 highbush20 iambuses12 limbuses12 microbus14 morbuses12 motorbus12 nimbused13 nimbuses12 overbusy16 robustas10 robuster10 robustly13 rosebush13 saltbush13 shadbush17 sloebush13 snowbush16 sorbuses10 strombus12 succubus14 syllabus13 thrombus15 unabused11 unbusied11 unbusier10 unbusies10 unbusted11 waterbus13 abusively17 aerobuses11 airbusses11 ambuscade16 ambuscado16 ambushers16 ambushing17 antiabuse11 antibuser11 arbuscles13 autobuses11 babushkas20 bandobust14 battlebus13 blockbust19 bundobust14 bushbucks22 bushcraft19 bushelers14 busheling15 bushelled15 busheller14 bushelman16 bushelmen16 bushfires17 bushflies17 bushgoats15 bushiness14 bushlands15 bushmeats16 bushvelds18 bushwalks21 bushwhack26 bushwoman19 bushwomen19 businessy14 busticate13 bustiness11 bustlines11 busulfans14 busyworks21 colobuses13 combusted16 combustor15 databuses12 debussing13 disabusal12 disabused13 disabuses12 embusques22 embussing14 embusying17 fidibuses15 gambusias14 hagbushes18 harquebus23 helibuses14
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