Duckiest is valid Scrabble Word

Is duckiest a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is duckiest valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DUCKIEST in dictionary:

Words related to DUCKIEST

duckie13 ducky15

How to use DUCKIEST in a sentence

Similar words containing DUCK without suffix iest

duck11 ducks12 ducky15 beduck15 ducked14 ducker13 duckie13 beducks16 duckers14 duckier14 duckies14 ducking15 duckish17 duckpin16 geoduck15 gweduck18 heyduck20 beducked18 duckbill17 duckfoot18 duckings16 duckling16 duckmole17 duckpins17 ducktail15 duckwalk22 duckweed19 geoducks16 gweducks19 heyducks21 shelduck18 beducking19 duckbills18 duckboard19 duckishes19 ducklings17 duckmoles18 duckshove22 ducktails16 duckwalks23 duckweeds20 sheldduck20 shelducks19 shellduck19 turducken16 duckboards20 duckshoved24 duckshover23 duckshoves23 duckwalked25 sheldducks21 shellducks20 turduckens17 ducktailed18 duckshovers24 duckshoving25 duckwalking26 duckshovings26
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