Diss is valid Scrabble Word

Is diss a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is diss valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISS in dictionary:

Words related to DISS

dis4 dissed8 disses7 dissing9

Words that contain DISS

dissed8 disses7 dissave11 disseat8 dissect10 dissent8 dissert8 dissing9 vendiss11 dissaved13 dissaver12 dissaves12 disseats9 dissects11 disseise9 disseize18 dissents9 disserts9 disserve12 dissever12 dissight13 dissolve12 dissuade10 dissavers13 dissaving14 disseated11 dissected13 dissector12 disseised11 disseisee10 disseises10 disseisin10 disseisor10 disseized20 disseizee19 disseizes19 disseizin19 disseizor19 dissemble14 dissembly17 dissensus10 dissented11 dissenter10 disserted11 disserved14 disserves13 dissevers13 disshiver16 dissident11 dissights14 dissimile12 dissipate12 dissocial12 dissolute10 dissolved14 dissolver13 dissolves13 dissonant10 dissuaded12 dissuader11 dissuades11 dissunder11 vendisses13 dissatisfy17 dissavings15 disseating12 dissecting14 dissection13 dissective16 dissectors13 disseisees11 disseising12 disseisins11 disseisors11 disseizees20 disseizing21 disseizins20 disseizors20 disselboom15 dissembled16 dissembler15 dissembles15 dissension11 dissenters11 dissenting12 dissention11 dissertate11 disserting12 disservice16 disserving15 dissevered15 dissheathe17 disshivers17 dissidence14 dissidents12 dissilient11 dissimilar13 dissimiles13 dissipable15 dissipated14 dissipater13 Show more ...

How to use DISS in a sentence

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