Desalts is valid Scrabble Word

Is desalts a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is desalts valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DESALTS in dictionary:

Words related to DESALTS

desalt7 desalted10 desalting11

Similar words containing SALT without suffix s and without prefix de

salt4 salto5 salts5 salty8 basalt8 desalt7 salted7 salter6 saltie6 saltly9 saltos6 saltus6 basalts9 oxysalt17 persalt9 psalter9 psaltry12 saltant7 saltate7 saltato7 saltbox16 saltcat9 saltern7 salters7 saltery10 saltest7 saltier7 salties7 saltily10 saltine7 salting8 saltire7 saltish10 saltoed8 saltpan9 basaltes10 basaltic12 desalted10 desalter9 misalter10 oversalt11 oxysalts18 persalts10 psalters10 psaltery13 saltando9 saltants8 saltated9 saltates8 saltatos8 saltbush13 saltcats10 salterns8 saltfish14 saltiers8 saltiest8 saltines8 saltings9 saltires8 saltless8 saltlike12 saltness8 saltoing9 saltpans10 saltuses8 saltwork15 saltwort11 unsalted9 basaltine11 desalters10 desalting11 drysalter13 misalters11 oversalts12 psalteria11 psaltress11 psaltries11 saltandos10 saltating10 saltation9 saltatory12 saltboxes18 saltchuck20 salteries9 saltiness9 saltishly15 saltpeter11 saltpetre11 saltwater12 saltworks16 saltworts12 supersalt11 basaltines12 basaltware15 desaltings12 drysalters14 drysaltery17 misaltered13 oversalted14 psalterian12 psalteries12 psalterium14 saltarelli10 saltarello10 saltations10 saltbushes15 saltcellar12 saltchucks21 saltfishes16 saltigrade12 saltnesses10 saltpeters12 saltpetres12 saltshaker17 supersalts12 saltwaters13 basaltwares16 misaltering14 oversalting15 psaltresses13 saltarellos11 saltatorial11 saltcellars13 saltchucker22 saltigrades13 saltimbanco17 saltimbocca19 saltinesses11 saltirewise14 saltishness14 saltshakers18 drysalteries16 saltationism14 saltationist12 saltatorious12 saltchuckers23 saltimbancos18 saltimboccas20 saltpetreman16 saltpetremen16 tapsalteerie14 saltationisms15 saltationists13 saltishnesses16 tapsalteeries15
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