Derning is valid Scrabble Word

Is derning a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is derning valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for DERNING in dictionary:

Words related to DERNING


Similar words containing RN without suffix ing and without prefix de

ern3 urn3 airn4 arna4 barn6 born6 burn6 carn6 corn6 curn6 darn5 dern5 durn5 earn4 erne4 erns4 fern7 firn7 girn5 gurn5 harn7 hern7 horn7 karn8 kern8 kirn8 larn4 lorn4 morn6 ourn4 pern6 pirn6 porn6 sorn4 tarn4 tern4 torn4 turn4 urns4 warn7 worn7 yarn7 acorn7 adorn6 airns5 arnas5 arnut5 awarn8 azurn14 bairn7 barns7 barny10 borna7 borne7 bourn7 burns7 burnt7 cairn7 carns7 carny10 cerne7 churn10 corni7 corno7 corns7 cornu7 corny10 curns7 curny10 darns6 dearn6 derns6 doorn6 durns6 earns5 enurn5 erned6 ernes5 ferns8 ferny11 firns8 frorn8 garni6 gerne6 girns6 gurns6 harns8 herns8 horns8 horny11 inurn5 karns9 kerne9 kerns9 kirns9 larns5 larnt5 learn5 morne7 morns7 mourn7 ornis5 perns7 pirns7 porno7 porns7 porny10 quern14 scorn7 sharn8 shorn8 sorns5 spurn7 starn5 stern5 sworn8 tarns5 terne5 terns5 thorn8 turns5 urnal5 urned6 varna8 warns8 yarns8 yearn8 yourn8 yrneh11 turnt5 earnt5 derny9 aborne8 acorns8 adorns7 airned7 aldern7 altern6 amarna8 arnica8 arnuts6 astern6 attorn6 auburn8 awarns9 bairns8 barned9 barnet8 barney11 bicorn10 bornyl11 bourne8 bourns8 burned9 burner8 burnet8 burnie8 byrnie11 cairns8 cairny11 carnal8 carnet8 carney11 carnie8 carnyx18 casern8 cavern11 cedarn9 cerned9 cernes8 churns11 cohorn11 cornea8 corned9 cornel8 corner8 cornet8 cornua8 cornus8 curney11 darned8 darnel7 darner7 dearns7 decern9 dehorn10 derned8 dernly10 dharna10 dhurna10 dirndl8 doorns7 durned8 earned7 earner6 enurns6 erning7 eterne6 extern13 fornix16 frorne9 garner7 garnet7 gerned8 gernes7 girned8 girnel7 girner7 girnie7 govern10 gurned8 gurnet7 gurney10 hernia9 horned10 horner9 hornet9 inborn8 intern6 inturn6 inurns6 inworn9 journo13 kerned11 kernel10 kernes10 kirned11 larnax13 larned7 larney9 learns6 learnt6 lierne6 lucern8 luzern15 modern9 mornay11 morned9 mornes8 mourns8 ornate6 ornery9 perned9 pernio8 pernod9 pirnie8 pirnit8 pornos8 querns15 reborn8 reearn6 retorn6 return6 reworn9 sarney9 sarnie6 scerne8 scorns8 secern8 shairn9 sharns9 sharny12 sorned7 sorner6 spurne8 spurns8 starns6 sterna6 sterns6 suborn8 tarnal6 tavern9 ternal6 terned7 ternes6 thorns9 thorny12 turned7 turner6 turnip8 turnon6 turnup8 unborn8 undern7 untorn6 unturn6 unworn9 uptorn8 upturn8 urnful9 urning7 varnas9 vernal9 vernix16 warned10 warner9 wivern12 wyvern15 yarned10 yarner9
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