Delates is valid Scrabble Word

Is delates a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is delates valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DELATES in dictionary:

Words related to DELATES

delate7 delated9 delating10

Words that contain DELATES


Similar words containing LATE without suffix s and without prefix de

late4 alate5 blate7 elate5 lated6 laten5 later5 latex12 plate7 slate5 lates5 ablate8 alated7 alates6 belate8 blated9 blater8 blates8 delate7 dilate7 elated7 elater6 elates6 folate9 gelate7 lateen6 lately9 latens6 latent6 latest6 malate8 oblate8 palate8 plated9 platen8 plater8 plates8 relate6 sclate8 sklate10 slated7 slater6 slates6 slatey9 solate6 velate9 ablated10 ablates9 acylate12 adulate8 belated10 belates9 blatest9 bullate9 chelate12 cholate12 collate9 dealate8 deflate11 delated9 dilated9 dilater8 dilates8 elaters7 emulate9 epilate9 fellate10 folates10 galatea8 gallate8 gelated9 gelates8 implate11 inflate10 isolate7 lateens7 latence9 latency12 latened8 latents7 laterad8 lateral7 latests7 latexes14 malates9 oblates9 oculate9 ovulate10 oxalate14 palated10 palates9 plateau9 platens9 platers9 prelate9 prolate9 reflate10 related8 relater7 relates7 replate9 reslate7 sclated10 sclates9 sklated12 sklates11 slaters7 solated8 solates7 stylate10 sublate9 ululate7 vallate10 velated11 violate10 acrylate13 acylated14 acylates13 adulated10 adulates9 afflated15 alkylate15 ambulate12 angulate9 annulate8 apholate13 areolate8 arillate8 ballated11 bedplate13 butylate13 canulate10 chelated14 chelates13 cholates13 collated11 collates10 conflate13 copulate12 corelate10 cumulate12 cupulate12 dealated10 dealates9 deflated13 deflater12 deflates12 depilate11 desolate9 dilaters9 eglatere9 elatedly12 elaterid9 elaterin8 emulated11 emulates10 endplate11 epilated11 epilates10 escalate10 ethylate14 etiolate8 fabulate13 fellated12 fellates11 flatette11 galateas9 gallates9 hamulate13 hotplate13 idolater9 immolate12 implated13 implates12 inflated12 inflater11 inflates11 insolate8 insulate8 isolated9 isolates8 jaculate17 jubilate17 jugulate16 lateener8 latences10 lateness8 latening9 latently11 laterals8 laterise8 laterite8 laterize17 latewake15 latewood12 ligulate9 lobulate10 loculate10 lunulate8 maculate12 modulate11 mutilate10 oblately13 ocellate10 oculated11 omoplate12 oppilate12 osculate10 overlate11 ovulated12 ovulates11 oxalated16 oxalates15 peculate12 pixelate17 pixilate17 plateasm12 plateaus10 plateaux17 plateful13 platelet10 plateman12 platemen12 populate12 prelates10 prolated11 prolates10 radulate9 reflated12 reflates11 regelate9 regulate9 relaters8 replated11 replates10 reslated9 reslates8 rosulate8 segolate9 sibilate10 simulate10 stellate8 sublated11 sublates10 subulate10 sufflate14 tabulate10 template12 tinplate10 toeplate10 tubulate10 ululated9 ululates8 undulate9 unelated9 ungulate9 ustulate8 vamplate15 vapulate13 vegelate12 violated12 violater11 violates11 zoolater17 acetylate14 aciculate13 acidulate12 acrylates14 alkylated17 alkylates16 alveolate12 ambulated14 ambulates13 angulated11 angulates10 annulated10 annulates9 apholates14 apiculate13 appellate13 areolated10 arillated10 backplate19 baseplate13 bedplates14 belatedly15 bilateral11 biteplate13 bombilate15 bookplate17 butylated15 butylates14 calculate13 cannulate11 canulated12 canulates11 caprylate16 capsulate13 cephalate16 chocolate16
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