Deicides is valid Scrabble Word

Is deicides a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is deicides valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEICIDES in dictionary:

Words related to DEICIDES


How to use DEICIDES in a sentence

Similar words containing ICIDE without suffix s and without prefix de

deicide11 ovicide13 suicide10 algicide12 aphicide16 femicide16 feticide14 filicide14 homicide16 medicide14 miticide13 ovicides14 pulicide13 raticide11 regicide12 silicide11 suicided12 suicides11 vaticide14 viricide14 viticide14 acaricide14 algicides13 aphicides17 femicides17 feticides15 filicides15 foeticide15 fungicide16 germicide15 herbicide17 homicides17 larvicide15 matricide14 medicides15 menticide14 miticides14 multicide14 parricide14 patricide14 pesticide14 prolicide14 pulicides14 raticides12 regicides13 silicides12 sporicide14 uxoricide19 vaticides15 verbicide17 vermicide17 viricides15 viticides15 vulpicide17 weedicide16 aborticide15 acaricides15 aphidicide19 foeticides16 fratricide16 fungicides17 germicides16 herbicides18 larvicides16 matricides15 menticides15 multicides15 nematicide15 parricides15 patricides15 pesticides15 prolicides15 soricident13 sororicide13 spermicide17 sporicides15 stillicide13 uxoricides20 verbicides18 vermicides18 vulpicides18 weedicides17 adulticide14 larvicided17 aborticides16 antisuicide14 aphidicides20 bacillicide18 bactericide18 duplicident17 fratricides17 giganticide16 infanticide17 insecticide16 liberticide16 nematicides16 neonaticide14 parasuicide16 rodenticide15 sororicides14 spermicides18 stillicides14 tyrannicide17 microbicide20 adulticides15 bacillicides19 bactericides19 biopesticide19 giganticides17 infanticides18 insecticides17 liberticides17 molluscicide19 neonaticides15 parasiticide17 parasuicides17 rodenticides16 tyrannicides18 microbicides21 antipesticide18 biopesticides20 molluscicides20 parasiticides18 simplicidentate22
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