Cosying is valid Scrabble Word

Is cosying a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cosying valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COSYING in dictionary:

Words related to COSYING

cosied9 cosies8 cosy9

Similar words containing SY without suffix ing and without prefix co

sye6 syn6 arsy7 busy9 cosy9 easy7 jasy14 nosy7 oosy7 posy9 rosy7 sybo9 syce9 syed8 syen7 syes7 syke11 syli7 sync9 synd8 syne7 sype9 syph12 upsy9 antsy8 artsy8 asyla8 bassy10 birsy10 bitsy10 bossy10 bousy10 boysy13 brosy10 cissy10 copsy12 crusy10 daisy9 ditsy9 donsy9 drusy9 eensy8 fubsy13 fussy11 gassy9 gawsy12 gipsy11 goosy9 gorsy9 grisy9 gussy9 gutsy9 gypsy14 hissy11 horsy11 hussy11 karsy12 kissy12 lassy8 lossy8 lousy8 massy10 mausy10 messy10 mimsy12 missy10 mopsy12 mossy10 mousy10 mumsy12 mussy10 newsy11 noisy8 nutsy8 palsy10 pansy10 patsy10 pissy10 poesy10 popsy12 potsy10 prosy10 psych15 psyop12 pudsy11 pursy10 pussy10 sassy8 sissy8 sonsy8 sudsy9 sybbe12 sybil10 syboe10 sybow13 sycee10 syces10 sycon10 syens8 syker12 sykes12 sylis8 sylph13 sylva11 symar10 synch13 syncs10 synds9 syned9 synes8 synod9 synth11 syped11 sypes10 syphs13 syrah11 syren8 syrup10 sysop10 sythe11 syver11 tansy8 tipsy10 tossy8 tousy8 towsy11 wussy11 bagsy11 apepsy13 argosy10 asylee9 asylum11 ballsy11 biopsy13 blousy11 blowsy14 bluesy11 booksy15 brassy11 browsy14 cheesy14 choosy14 classy11 clumsy13 cocksy17 creasy11 cressy11 cresyl11 cruisy11 curtsy11 cutesy11 desyne10 dimpsy14 dressy10 dropsy12 drossy10 drowsy13 embusy13 extasy16 flimsy14 floosy12 flossy12 folksy16 footsy12 frowsy15 gamesy12 gelosy10 glassy10 glossy10 grassy10 greasy10 griesy10 gryesy13 hearsy12 heresy12 humusy14 jacksy22 kecksy19 keksye17 limpsy13 monosy11 phossy14 phrasy14 pressy11 prissy11 psyche16 psycho16 psychs16 psylla11 psyops13 psywar14 queasy18 quinsy18 rootsy9 selsyn9 slimsy11 sybbes13 sybils11 syboes11 sybows14 sycees11 sycons11 syeing10 sylphs14 sylphy17 sylvae12 sylvan12 sylvas12 sylvia12 sylvin12 symars11 symbol13 synced12 synchs14 syncom13 synded11 syndet10 syndic12 syngas10 syning10 synods10 synroc11 syntan9 syntax16 synths12 synura9 sypher14 syphon14 syping12 syrahs12 syrens9 syrinx16 syrtes9 syrtis9 syrups11 syrupy14 sysops11 system11 sythes12 syvers12 syzygy25 teensy9 tootsy9 tressy9 unbusy11 uneasy9 weensy12 whimsy17 woodsy13 handsy13 ambassy14 ampassy14 asylees10 asylums12 autopsy12 busying13 circusy14 citrusy12 clerisy12 comsymp18 cramesy14 cresyls12 curtesy12 dasypod14 dasyure11 desyned12 desynes11 disyoke15 easying11 ecstasy12 embassy14 eupepsy14 eustasy10 fantasy13 geodesy12 keksyes18 leprosy12 misyoke16 morassy12 phoresy15 phrensy15 psyched18 psyches17 psychic19 psychos17 psyllas12 psyllid13 psywars15 rosying11 selsyns10 sinsyne10 slimpsy14 startsy10 statusy10 stressy10 sybotic14 syconia12 sycoses12 sycosis12 syenite10
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