Corsite is valid Scrabble Word

Is corsite a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is corsite valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for CORSITE in dictionary:

Words related to CORSITE


Words that contain CORSITE


Similar words containing RS without suffix ite and without prefix co

ars3 ers3 ors3 airs4 arse4 arsy7 bars6 bors6 burs6 cars6 cors6 curs6 dors5 ears4 errs4 erst4 fars7 firs7 furs7 gars5 gers5 gors5 gurs5 hers7 hors7 jars11 jors11 kirs8 kors8 lars4 lurs4 mars6 mirs6 mors6 nurs4 oars4 ours4 pars6 pirs6 purs6 sars4 sers4 sirs4 tars4 tors4 ursa4 vars7 vers7 vors7 wars7 nors4 turs4 abers7 acers7 afars8 agars6 agers6 amirs7 apers7 arars5 arsed6 arses5 arsey8 arsis5 arson5 avers8 baurs7 bawrs10 bears7 beers7 biers7 birrs7 birse7 birsy10 blurs7 boars7 boors7 bowrs10 brers7 buhrs10 burrs7 bursa7 burse7 burst7 carrs7 carse7 chars10 coirs7 corse7 corso7 cours7 currs7 curse7 cursi7 curst7 czars16 daurs6 dears6 deers6 doers6 doors6 dorrs6 dorsa6 dorse6 duars6 durrs6 durst6 dyers9 earst5 egers6 emirs7 erses5 ewers8 eyers8 fairs8 farse8 fears8 feers8 fiars8 fiers8 first8 flirs8 flors8 fours8 furrs8 gairs6 gaurs6 gears6 girrs6 girsh9 gnars6 goers6 goors6 gorse6 gorsy9 guars6 gursh9 haars8 hairs8 harsh11 hears8 heirs8 herse8 hoars8 hoers8 hoors8 horse8 horst8 horsy11 hours8 huers8 hurst8 icers7 izars14 jeers12 jours12 karst9 karsy12 kbars11 keirs9 khors12 kiers9 knars9 knurs9 ksars9 kyars12 laers5 lairs5 lears5 leers5 lehrs8 leirs5 liars5 liers5 loirs5 lours5 maars7 mairs7 marse7 marsh10 mawrs10 meers7 merse7 moers7 mohrs10 moors7 morse7 muirs7 murrs7 nears5 noirs5 nurrs5 nurse5 odors6 omers7 oners5 overs8 oxers12 oyers8 pairs7 parrs7 parse7 pears7 peers7 perse7 perst7 piers7 pours7 puers7 purrs7 purse7 pursy10 qursh17 rears5 roars5 ruers5 sairs5 scars7 scurs7 sears5 seers5 seirs5 serrs5 shirs8 skers9 skyrs12 slurs5 smirs7 smurs7 snars5 soars5 sours5 spars7 spurs7 stars5 stirs5 suers5 tahrs8 tarsi5 tears5 teers5 tehrs8 terse5 thars8 tiars5 tiers5 tirrs5 torrs5 torse5 torsi5 torsk9 torso5 tours5 tsars5 turrs5 tyers8 tzars14 ursae5 ursid6 urson5 users5 vairs8 veers8 verse8 verso8 verst8 viers8 voars8 wairs8 warst8 waurs8 wears8 weirs8 wersh11 whirs11 worse8 worst8 wurst8 yaars8 yarrs8 years8 yirrs8 yours8 zikrs18 shers8 versa8 abears8 abhors11 aburst8 achars11 ackers12 actors8 adders8 adoors7 afears9 afters9 aggers8 ahorse9 aiders7 aimers8
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