Conks is valid Scrabble Word

Is conks a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is conks valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CONKS in dictionary:

Words related to CONKS

conk10 conked13 conking14

Similar words containing NK without suffix s and without prefix co

ink7 ankh11 bank10 bink10 bonk10 bunk10 conk10 dank9 dink9 dunk9 fank11 fink11 funk11 gink9 gonk9 gunk9 hank11 honk11 hunk11 inks8 inky11 jink15 junk15 kink12 konk12 lank8 link8 lunk8 mink10 monk10 oink8 penk10 pink10 ponk10 punk10 rank8 renk8 rink8 sank8 sink8 sunk8 tank8 tink8 tonk8 wank11 wink11 wonk11 yank11 zonk17 jank15 anker9 ankhs12 ankle9 ankus9 banks11 binks11 blank11 blink11 blunk11 boink11 bonks11 brank11 brink11 bunko11 bunks11 chank14 chink14 chunk14 clank11 clink11 clonk11 clunk11 conky14 crank11 cronk11 crunk11 danks10 dinks10 dinky13 donko10 drank10 drink10 drunk10 dunks10 fanks12 fenks12 finks12 flank12 flunk12 frank12 funks12 funky15 ginks10 gonks10 gunks10 gunky13 hanks12 hanky15 hinky15 honks12 honky15 hunks12 hunky15 inked10 inker9 inkle9 jinks16 junks16 junky19 kinks13 kinky16 konks13 krunk13 lanks9 lanky12 links9 linky12 lunks9 manky14 minke11 minks11 monks11 nkosi9 oinks9 onkus9 panko11 penks11 pinko11 pinks11 pinky14 plank11 plink11 plonk11 plunk11 ponks11 prank11 prink11 pronk11 punka11 punks11 punky14 quonk18 ranke9 ranks9 reink9 rinks9 sanko9 shank12 sinks9 sinky12 skank13 skink13 skunk13 slank9 slink9 slunk9 spank11 spink11 spunk11 stank9 stink9 stonk9 stunk9 sunks9 swank12 swink12 tanka9 tanks9 tanky12 thank12 think12 thunk12 tinks9 tonka9 tonks9 trank9 tronk9 trunk9 twank12 twink12 unked10 unket9 unkid10 wanks12 wanky15 winks12 wonks12 wonky15 yanks12 yonks12 zinke18 zinky21 zonks18 janky19 ebank11 ananke10 ankers10 ankled11 ankles10 anklet10 ankush13 banked13 banker12 banket12 bankit12 begunk13 blanks12 blanky15 blinks12 blunks12 bohunk15 boinks12 bonked13 branks12 branky15 brinks12 bunked13 bunker12 bunkie12 bunkos12 bunkum14 canker12 cankle12 chanks15 chinks15 chinky18 chunks15 chunky18 clanks12 clanky15 clinks12 clonks12 clonky15 clunks12 clunky15 conked13 conker12 cranks12 cranky15 crunks12 danker11 dankly14 debunk13 delink11 dinked12 dinker11 dinkey14 dinkie11 dinkly14 dinkum13 donkey14 donkos11 drinks11 drunks11 dunked12 dunker11 embank14 enlink10 enrank10 fanked14 fankle13 finked14 flanks13 flunks13 flunky16 franks13 funked14 funker13 funkia13 ginkgo12 gunked12 hanked14 hanker13 hankie13 honked14 honker13 honkey16 honkie13 hunker13 hunkey16 hunkie13 inkers10 inkier10 inking11 inkjet17 inkled11 inkles10 inkosi10 inkpad13 inkpot12 janker17 jinked18 jinker17 junked18 junker17 junket17 junkie17 kinked15 kinkle14 konked15
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