Colics is valid Scrabble Word

Is colics a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is colics valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COLICS in dictionary:

Words related to COLICS


Words that contain COLICS


How to use COLICS in a sentence

Similar words containing LIC without suffix s and without prefix co

flic9 lice6 lich9 lick10 aulic7 click13 colic9 flick14 flics10 folic10 hylic13 klick15 lichi10 licht10 licit7 licks11 malic9 melic9 plica9 relic7 salic7 slice7 slick11 telic7 xylic17 abulic10 allice8 amylic13 atelic8 beylic13 calico10 cholic13 cilice10 cliche13 clicks14 cyclic15 delice9 delict9 eliche11 elicit8 emblic12 enolic8 exilic15 flicks15 frolic11 gallic9 garlic9 ilices8 italic8 klicks16 lichee11 lichen11 liches11 lichis11 lichts11 licked13 licker12 lictor8 malice10 melick14 melics10 oxalic15 phylic16 plicae10 plical10 plicas10 police10 policy13 public12 relics8 relict8 sialic8 silica8 sliced9 slicer8 slices8 slicks12 splice10 stelic8 tiglic9 ulices8 ulicon8 unlich11 aboulic11 acrylic14 acyclic16 afflict15 alicant9 alkalic13 alkylic16 allelic9 allices9 allicin9 allylic12 angelic10 anglice10 astelic9 basilic11 beylics14 bucolic13 Show more ...
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