Cohabs is valid Scrabble Word

Is cohabs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cohabs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for COHABS in dictionary:

Words related to COHABS


Similar words containing HAB without suffix s and without prefix co

habu9 cohab12 habit10 hable10 habus10 rehab10 dhaba11 chabuk17 habile11 habits11 haboob13 prehab13 rehabs11 shabby16 dhabas12 chablis14 chabouk18 chabuks18 cohabit14 habdabs15 habitan12 habitat12 habited13 habitue12 habitus12 haboobs14 hushaby18 ichabod15 inhabit12 phablet14 prehabs14 rhabdom15 rhabdus13 shabash15 shabble14 unhable12 alphabet15 cashable15 chabouks19 cohabits15 dahabeah17 dahabiah17 dahabieh17 dahabiya17 dishabit14 dishable14 fishable16 habanera13 habanero13 habdalah17 habendum16 habitans13 habitant13 habitats13 habiting14 habitual13 habitude14 habitues13 hushabye19 inhabits13 oathable13 phablets15 rehabbed16 rehabber15 rhabdoid15 rhabdome16 rhabdoms16 shabbier15 shabbily18 shabbles15 shabrack19 tithable13 warhable16 washable16 alphabets16 catchable18 chabazite25 coachable18 cohabited17 cohabitee16 cohabiter16 cohabitor16 crushable16 dahabeahs18 dahabeeah18 dahabiahs18 dahabiehs18 dahabiyah21 dahabiyas18 dahabiyeh21 dishabits15 dishabled16 dishables15 flushable17 habaneras14 habaneros14 habdalahs18 habendums17 haberdine15 habergeon15 habilable16 habitable16 habitably19 habitants14 habituals14 habituate14 habitudes15 habituses14 hatchable19 hushabied18 hushabies17 inhabited15 inhabiter14 inhabitor14 laughable15 laughably18 leachable16 matchable18 mouthable16 munchable18 patchable18 poachable18 reachable16 rehabbers16 rehabbing17 reinhabit14 rhabdoids16 rhabdomal17 rhabdomes17 rhabduses15 shabbatot16 shabbiest16 shabracks20 smashable16 swathable17 teachable16 teachably19 torchable16 touchable16 washables17 watchable19 weighable18 touchably19 brushable16 alphabeted18 alphabetic19 analphabet17 attachable17 avouchable20 bleachable19 breathable17 chabazites26 cohabitant17 cohabitees17 cohabiters17 cohabiting18 cohabitors17 crunchable19 dahabeeahs19 dahabeeyah22 dahabiyahs22 dahabiyehs22 deshabille16 detachable18 detachably21 dishabille16 dishabited17 dishabling17 encashable17 haberdines16 habergeons16 habilatory18 habiliment17 habilitate15 habitation15 habitaunce17 habitually18 habituated16 habituates15 hushabying22 inhabitant15 inhabiters15 inhabiting16 inhabitors15 mukhabarat21 munchables19 perishable17 perishably20 ploughable18 polishable17 preachable19 punishable17 quenchable26 reinhabits15 relishable15 rhabdolith19 rhabdomere18 searchable17 shabbiness17 shabracque26 sketchable21 smoothable17 squashable24 stanchable17 switchable20 watchables20 abolishable18 alphabeting19 alphabetise18 alphabetize27 analphabete18 analphabets18 burnishable18 cherishable21 cohabitants18 craunchable20 dahabeeyahs23 deshabilles17 dishabilles17 dishabiting18 fishability22 haberdasher20 habiliments18 habilitated17 habilitates16 habilitator16 habitations16 habitaunces18 habituating17 habituation16 habitudinal17 impeachable22 inhabitable18 inhabitance18 inhabitancy21 inhabitants16 inhabitress16 mukhabarats22 nourishable16 perishables18 publishable20 reinhabited17 retouchable18 rhabdocoele19 rhabdoliths20 rhabdomancy24 rhabdomeres19 rhabdomyoma24 rhabdovirus20 shabracques27 staunchable18 stretchable18 tarnishable16 uncatchable20 uncrushable18 unhabitable18 uninhabited17 unmatchable20 unreachable18 unteachable18 untouchable18 unwatchable21 washability22 unmatchably23 unreachably21 alphabetical21 alphabetised20 alphabetiser19 alphabetises19 alphabetized29 alphabetizer28 alphabetizes28 analphabetes19 analphabetic21 approachable23 bequeathable28 brushability22 cohabitation19 crushability22 diminishable20 haberdashers21 haberdashery24 habilitating18 habilitation17 habilitators17 habitability22 habitational17 habitualness17 habituations17 hatchability25 imperishable21 imperishably24 inhabitances19 inhabitation17 leachability22 microhabitat21 noncrushable19 rehabilitant17 rehabilitate17 reinhabiting18
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