Anticaking is valid Scrabble Word

Is anticaking a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is anticaking valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANTICAKING in dictionary:

Similar words containing CAK without suffix ing and without prefix anti

cake10 caky13 caked12 cakes11 cakey14 cakier12 caking13 nocake12 uncake12 ashcake16 cakeage14 cakebox22 cakiest13 cakings14 carcake15 cupcake17 hoecake16 hotcake16 nocakes13 oatcake13 pancake15 teacake13 uncaked14 uncakes13 ashcakes17 beefcake19 cakeages15 cakehole17 cakewalk21 cakiness14 carcakes16 corncake16 cupcakes18 fishcake20 hoecakes17 hotcakes17 millcake16 mooncake16 oatcakes14 pancaked17 pancakes16 plumcake18 seedcake15 teacakes14 uncaking15 beefcakes20 bridecake18 cakeboxes24 cakeholes18 cakewalks22 corncakes17 fishcakes21 friedcake19 fruitcake18 jonnycake25 millcakes17 mooncakes17 noncaking16 pancaking18 plumcakes19 poundcake18 queencake24 seedcakes16 shortcake18 bridecakes19 cakewalked24 cakewalker23 cakinesses16 cheesecake21 friedcakes20 fruitcakes19 girdlecake18 johnnycake29 jonnycakes26 poundcakes19 queencakes25 shortcakes19 yellowcake22 coffeecake24 cakewalkers24 cakewalking25 cheesecakes22 girdlecakes19 griddlecake20 johnnycakes30 yellowcakes23 coffeecakes25 griddlecakes21
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