Unpotted is valid Scrabble Word

Is unpotted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is unpotted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UNPOTTED in dictionary:

Similar words containing POTT without suffix ed and without prefix un

pott6 potto7 potts7 potty10 potted9 potter8 pottle8 pottos8 spotty11 pottage10 potteen9 potters9 pottery12 pottier9 potties9 potting10 pottles9 spotted10 spotter9 spottie9 capotted13 pottable12 pottages11 potteens10 pottered11 potterer10 pottiest10 repotted11 spotters10 spottier10 spotties10 spottily13 spotting11 bespotted14 capotting14 potterers11 potteries11 pottering12 pottiness11 pottingar12 pottinger12 repotting12 respotted12 spottable13 spottiest11 spottings12 unspotted12 bespotting15 jackpotted26 pinspotted15 pinspotter14 potterings13 pottingars13 pottingers13 pottymouth20 repottings13 respotting13 spottiness12 sunspotted13 jackpotting27 pinspotters15 pinspotting16 potteringly17 pottinesses13 pottymouths21 spottedness14 spottinesses14 trainspotter14 bespottedness18 spottednesses16 trainspotters15 unspottedness16 trainspotting16 trainspottings17 bespottednesses20 trainspotterish20 unspottednesses18
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