Uds is valid Scrabble Word

Is uds a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is uds valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for UDS in dictionary:

Words that contain UDS

buds7 cuds7 duds6 fuds8 juds12 luds5 muds7 ouds5 puds7 ruds5 suds5 wuds8 bauds8 cruds8 dauds7 feuds9 fouds9 gauds7 hauds9 khuds13 lauds6 leuds6 mauds8 pudsy11 scuds8 spuds8 studs6 sudsy9 thuds9 yauds9 bluds8 almuds9 bemuds11 blauds9 clouds9 debuds10 frauds10 hududs11 pseuds9 pudsey12 scauds9 sudsed8 sudser7 sudses7 belauds10 bestuds10 disbuds11 earbuds10 ludship13 marauds10 mudscow15 mudsill10 pudsier10 pudsies10 redbuds11 ribauds10 shrouds11 strouds8 sudsers8 sudsier8 sudsing9 talmuds10 uphauds13 applauds13 beclouds13 crapauds13 defrauds13 enclouds11 leafbuds14 ludships14 marybuds16 mudscows16 mudsills11 mudslide12 mudsling12 mudslung12 mudstone11 oversuds12 pudsiest11 rosebuds11 soapsuds11 sudsiest9 sudsless9 unclouds11 beshrouds15 enshrouds13 fraudsman15 fraudsmen15 fraudster13 kilobauds16 mudslides13 mudslings13 mudstones12 ombudsman16 ombudsmen16 soapsudsy15 underbuds13 unshrouds13 cloudscape17 fraudsters14 mudskipper21 Show more ...

Similar words containing UD without suffix s

bud6 cud6 dud5 fud7 jud11 lud4 mud6 oud4 pud6 rud4 sud4 udo4 wud7 baud7 buda7 budi7 budo7 buds7 crud7 cuds7 daud6 dude6 duds6 feud8 foud8 fuds8 gaud6 gude6 haud8 judo12 juds12 judy15 khud12 kudo9 kudu9 laud5 leud5 loud5 lude5 ludo5 luds5 maud7 muds7 nude5 ouds5 puds7 pudu7 rudd6 rude5 rudi5 ruds5 rudy8 scud7 spud7 stud5 sudd6 suds5 thud8 udal5 udon5 udos5 wuds8 wudu8 yaud8 blud7 almud8 aloud6 audad7 audio6 audit6 bauds8 bemud10 blaud8 blude8 bludy11 budas8 buddy12 budge9 budis8 budos8 cauda8 cloud8 coude8 crude8 crudo8 cruds8 crudy11 cuddy12 dauds7 debud9 duddy11 duded8 dudes7 elude6 etude6 exude13 feuds9 fouds9 fraud9 fuddy13 Show more ...
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