Transships is valid Scrabble Word

Is transships a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is transships valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRANSSHIPS in dictionary:

Words related to TRANSSHIPS


Similar words containing SHIP without suffix s and without prefix trans

ship9 ships10 inship11 reship11 shippo13 unship11 airship12 dogship14 donship13 endship13 foxship22 godship14 gunship13 hership15 inships12 kinship16 ludship13 midship15 nunship12 palship14 preship14 reships12 shipful15 shiplap14 shipman14 shipmen14 shipped15 shippen14 shipper14 shippie14 shippon14 shippos14 shipway18 sibship14 sonship12 unships12 warship15 worship15 airships13 amidship16 antiship13 bardship16 chumship20 clanship15 deanship14 demyship19 dogeship15 dogships15 donships14 dukeship18 earlship13 endships14 fireship16 flagship17 foreship16 foxships23 godships15 gunships14 guruship14 hardship17 headship17 heirship16 heroship16 herships16 kingship18 kinships17 ladyship17 longship14 lordship14 ludships14 mageship16 mateship15 midships16 moonship15 nunships13 palships15 peatship15 poetship15 popeship17 preships15 rajaship20 serfship16 shipfuls16 shiplaps15 shipless13 shipload14 shipmate15 shipment15 shippens15 shippers15 shippies15 shipping16 shippons15 shipside14 shiptime15 shipways19 shipworm18 shipyard17 sibships15 sonships13 Show more ...
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