Tavs is valid Scrabble Word

Is tavs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tavs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TAVS in dictionary:

Words related to TAVS


Similar words containing TAV without suffix s

tav6 tava7 stave8 tavah11 tavas8 taver8 atavic11 octave11 octavo11 ottava9 staved10 staves9 tavahs12 tavern9 tavers9 tavert9 atavism12 atavist10 batavia12 centavo12 octaval12 octaves12 octavos12 ottavas10 staving11 tavered11 taverna10 taverns10 atavisms13 atavists11 batavias13 centavos13 distaves12 ottavino11 palstave13 rotavate11 tavering12 tavernas11 taverner11 atavistic14 metaverse14 ottavinos12 palstaves14 rotavated13 rotavates12 rotavator12 rotavirus12 stavudine13 suboctave16 taverners12 tipstaves14 rotaviral12 cowlstaves18 devastavit17 flagstaves17 handstaves17 hantavirus16 metaverses15 octavalent15 pikestaves19 rotavating14 rotavators13 stavesacre15 stavudines14 suboctaves17 jackstaves26 devastavits18 heptavalent19 katavothron21 metavanadic19 pentavalent16 rotaviruses14 septavalent16 stavesacres16 superoctave18 contraoctave19 hantaviruses18 katavothrons22 pentavalence19 pentavalency22 superoctaves19 atavistically21 contraoctaves20 dataveillance19 pentavalences20 quarterstaves25 dataveillances20 pentavalencies21 subcontraoctave24 subcontraoctaves25
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