Sapful is valid Scrabble Word

Is sapful a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sapful valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for SAPFUL in dictionary:

Similar words containing SAP without suffix ful

sap5 saps6 sapan7 sapid8 sapor7 sappy12 sapans8 sapego9 sapele8 sapors8 sapota8 sapote8 sapour8 sappan10 sapped11 sapper10 sapple10 pinesap11 sapajou16 sapeles9 saphead13 saphena12 sapiens9 sapient9 sapless9 sapling10 saponin9 sapotas9 sapotes9 sapours9 sappans11 sappers11 sapphic16 sappier11 sappily14 sapping12 sappled12 sapples11 saprobe11 sapsago10 sapwood13 winesap12 sapider10 disapply16 misapply17 pinesaps12 sapajous17 sapegoes11 sapheads14 saphenae13 saphenas13 sapidity14 sapience12 sapiency15 sapients10 saplings11 saponify16 saponine10 saponins10 saponite10 saporous10 sapphics17 sapphire15 sapphism17 sapphist15 sappiest12 sappings13 sappling13 sapremia12 sapremic14 saprobes12 saprobic14 sapropel12 sapsagos11 sapucaia12 sapwoods14 unsapped13 winesaps13 sapidest11 ansaphone14 disappear14 sapanwood15 sapheaded16 saphenous14 sapidless12 sapidness12 sapiences13 sapiently14 sapodilla12 sapogenin12 saponaria11 saponated12 saponines11 saponites11 saporific16 sapphired17 sapphires16 sapphisms18 sapphists16 sappiness13 Show more ...
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