Reishis is valid Scrabble Word

Is reishis a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is reishis valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REISHIS in dictionary:

Words related to REISHIS


Similar words containing ISHI without suffix s and without prefix re

rishi8 heishi12 meishi11 mishit11 reishi9 rishis9 dishier11 dishing12 fishier13 fishify19 fishily16 fishing14 hishing14 meishis12 mishits12 pishing13 rikishi14 stishie10 vishing14 wishing14 antiship13 daishiki16 dishiest12 dishings13 fishiest14 fishings15 fleishig15 fleishik18 phishing17 stishies11 swishier14 swishing15 vishings15 whishing18 wishings15 smishing14 banishing15 daishikis17 famishing18 fetishise15 fetishism17 fetishist15 fetishize24 finishing16 fishified19 fishifies18 fishiness15 garishing14 kaddishim20 lavishing16 linishing13 maharishi17 minishing15 monishing15 perishing15 phishings18 polishing15 punishing15 ravishing16 relishing13 splishing15 squishier21 squishing22 swishiest15 swishings16 unwishing16 vanishing16 smishings15 abolishing16 anguishing15 blemishing18 burnishing16 cherishing19 englishing15 evanishing17 fetishised17 fetishises16 fetishisms18 fetishists16 fetishized26 fetishizes25 finishings17 fishifying23 flemishing19 furbishing19 furnishing17 garnishing15 guarishing15 icefishing19 linishings14 maharishis18 mishitting16 nourishing14 outfishing17 outwishing17 panfishing19 planishing16 plenishing16 polishings16 publishing18 Show more ...
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