Ovel is valid Scrabble Word

Is ovel a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ovel valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for OVEL in dictionary:

Words related to OVEL

avel7 ovels8

Words that contain OVEL

hovel11 novel8 ovels8 grovel10 hovels12 lovely12 novels9 shovel12 covelet12 dovelet11 grovels11 hoveled14 novella10 novelle10 novelly13 novelty13 shovels13 behovely19 covelets13 dovelets12 dovelike16 groveled13 groveler12 hoveling15 hovelled15 hoveller14 loveless11 lovelier11 lovelies11 lovelily14 lovelock17 lovelorn11 moveless13 nonnovel11 noveldom14 novelese11 novelise11 novelish14 novelism13 novelist11 novelize20 novellae11 novellas11 shoveled15 shoveler14 unlovely14 antinovel12 covelline14 covellite14 gloveless13 grovelers13 groveless13 groveling14 grovelled14 groveller13 hovellers15 hovelling16 loveliest12 lovelight16 lovelocks18 nonnovels12 noveldoms15 noveleses12 novelette12 novelised13 noveliser12 novelises12 novelisms14 novelists12 novelized22 novelizer21 novelizes21 novelties12 shovelers15 shovelful18 shoveling16 shovelled16 shoveller15 glovelike17 antinovels13 covellines15 covellites15 grooveless14 groovelike18 grovelings15 grovellers14 grovelling15 labiovelar15 lovelessly16 lovelights17 lovelihead17 loveliness13 movelessly18 novelettes13 novelisers13 novelising14 novelistic15 novelizers22 novelizing23 photonovel18 shovelfuls19 Show more ...
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