Ishes is valid Scrabble Word

Is ishes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ishes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for ISHES in dictionary:

Words related to ISHES


Words that contain ISHES

bishes11 dishes10 fishes12 hishes12 kishes13 nishes9 pishes11 wishes12 arishes10 cuishes12 knishes14 phishes15 slishes10 swishes13 taishes10 whishes16 arrishes11 banishes13 cowishes16 danishes12 eadishes12 eddishes13 famishes16 fetishes14 finishes14 garishes12 lavishes14 leishest11 linishes11 marishes13 minishes13 monishes13 nebishes13 papishes15 parishes13 perishes13 polishes13 punishes13 radishes12 ravishes14 relishes11 splishes13 squishes20 swishest14 unwishes14 vanishes14 elfishes14 elvishes14 abolishes14 anguishes13 batfishes17 blemishes16 boxfishes24 burnishes14 catfishes17 cherishes17 codfishes18 commishes18 cowfishes20 dervishes16 dogfishes17 duckishes19 englishes13 evanishes15 finfishes18 flemishes17 foxfishes25 furbishes17 furnishes15 garfishes16 garnishes13 gemfishes18 guarishes13 hagfishes19 hashishes18 hogfishes19 icefishes17 jewfishes25 kaddishes18 lavishest15 lubfishes17 mayfishes20 mudfishes18 nebbishes16 nourishes12 oarfishes15 ooftishes15 outfishes15 outwishes15 panfishes17 piedishes15 pigfishes18 pinfishes17 planishes14 plenishes14 publishes16 pupfishes19 ratfishes15 redfishes16 rellishes12 rubbishes16 Show more ...

Similar words containing ISHE without suffix s

bishes11 dished11 dishes10 fished13 fisher12 fishes12 hished13 hishes12 kishes13 nishes9 pished12 pisher11 pishes11 wished13 wisher12 wishes12 arishes10 cuishes12 dishelm13 fishers13 fishery16 fisheye16 goyishe14 knishes14 leisher10 mishear12 phished16 phisher15 phishes15 pisheog13 pishers12 slishes10 swished14 swisher13 swishes13 taishes10 whished17 whishes16 wishers13 arrishes11 banished14 banisher13 banishes13 cowishes16 danishes12 deisheal12 dishelms14 disherit12 dishevel15 drisheen12 eadishes12 eddishes13 famished17 famishes16 fetishes14 finished15 finisher14 finishes14 fisheyes17 garished13 garishes12 lavished15 lavisher14 lavishes14 leishest11 linished12 linisher11 linishes11 marishes13 minished14 minishes13 misheard14 mishears13 monished14 monishes13 nebbishe15 nebishes13 papisher15 papishes15 parishen13 parishes13 perished14 perisher13 perishes13 phishers16 pisheogs14 polished14 polisher13 polishes13 punished14 punisher13 punishes13 radishes12 ravished15 ravisher14 ravishes14 relished12 relishes11 splished14 splishes13 Show more ...
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