Homologising is valid Scrabble Word

Is homologising a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is homologising valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HOMOLOGISING in dictionary:

Words related to HOMOLOGISING


Similar words containing LOGIS without suffix ing and without prefix homo

elogist8 ologist8 elogists9 eulogise9 eulogist9 logistic11 ologists9 oologist9 analogise10 analogism12 analogist10 apologise12 apologist12 biologism14 biologist12 dialogise11 dialogism13 dialogist11 ecologist12 enologist10 epilogise12 epilogist12 eulogised11 eulogiser10 eulogises10 eulogists10 geologise11 geologist11 logistics12 myologist15 neologise10 neologism12 neologist10 oologists10 orologist10 otologist10 panlogism14 prologise12 prologist12 syllogise13 syllogism15 syllogist13 ufologist13 urologist10 zoologist19 aerologist11 agrologist12 algologist12 analogised12 analogises11 analogisms13 analogists11 apologised14 apologiser13 apologises13 apologists13 atmologist13 axiologist18 batologist13 biologisms15 biologists13 bryologist16 catalogise13 cetologist13 chaologist16 cytologist16 decalogist14 dialogised13 dialogises12 dialogisms14 dialogists12 ecologists13 enologists11 epilogised14 epilogises13 epilogists13 ethologist14 etiologist11 eulogisers11 eulogising12 eulogistic13 fetologist14 gemologist14 geologised13 geologises12 geologists12 homologise16 horologist14 ideologise12 ideologist12 kidologist16 logistical13 misologist13 mixologist20 monologise13 monologist13 mycologist18 myologists16 neologised12 neologises11 Show more ...
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