Eans is valid Scrabble Word

Is eans a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is eans valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for EANS in dictionary:

Words related to EANS


Words that contain EANS

beans7 deans6 geans6 jeans12 leans5 means7 peans7 reans5 seans5 weans8 yeans8 cleans8 gleans7 oceans8 paeans8 queans15 skeans10 speans8 steans6 bemeans11 cleanse9 demeans10 noseans7 orleans7 upleans9 bogbeans13 cleansed11 cleanser10 cleanses10 costeans10 deanship14 pampeans14 proteans10 reanswer11 recleans10 shebeans13 soybeans13 subdeans11 archaeans14 beanstalk15 bluejeans18 buckbeans19 ceruleans11 cesareans11 cetaceans13 cleansers11 cleansing12 cleanskin15 cotqueans20 cumaceans15 deanships15 empyreans16 foremeans14 hymeneans17 orleanses9 precleans13 reanswers12 venereans12 jeanswear19 oceanside12 acarideans13 beansprout14 beanstalks16 broadbeans15 caesareans12 cleansable14 cleansings13 cleanskins16 cornopeans14 cystideans16 epicureans14 florideans14 horsebeans15 hymenaeans18 jellybeans22 laodiceans13 misdemeans15 nemerteans12 ostraceans12 overcleans15 reanswered14 screwbeans17 testaceans12 uncleansed13 jeanswears20 antipodeans14 beansprouts15 cestoideans14 crinoideans14 crustaceans15 hirudineans15 housecleans16 monogeneans14 percoideans16 reanswering15 scarabaeans15 teleosteans11 theodiceans17 asteroideans13 gallinaceans15 hyperboreans22 Show more ...

Similar words containing EAN without suffix s

ean3 bean6 dean5 gean5 jean11 lean4 mean6 pean6 rean4 sean4 wean7 yean7 beano7 beans7 beany10 clean7 deans6 eaned6 geans6 glean6 jeans12 leans5 leant5 leany8 meane7 means7 meant7 meany10 ocean7 paean7 peans7 quean14 reans5 seans5 skean9 spean7 stean5 weans8 yeans8 beaned9 beanie8 beanos8 bemean10 cleans8 creant8 deaned8 deaner7 demean9 eaning7 gleans7 jeaned14 leaned7 leaner6 leanly9 meaned9 meaner8 meanes8 meanie8 meanly11 neanic8 nosean6 oceans8 paeans8 peaned9 peanut8 queans15 seance8 seaned7 skeane10 skeans10 speans8 steane6 steans6 uplean8 weaned10 weanel9 weaner9 yeaned10 amebean11 apogean10 archean12 azurean16 beanbag12 beanery12 beanies9 beaning10 bemeans11 bemeant11 bogbean12 cleaned10 cleaner9 cleanly12 cleanse9 cleanup11 costean9 creance11 deaners8 deanery11 deaning9 demeane10 Show more ...
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