Carb is valid Scrabble Word

Is carb a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is carb valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CARB in dictionary:

Words related to CARB

carbohydrate23 carbs9

Words that contain CARB

carbo9 carbs9 carby12 bicarb12 carbon10 carbos10 carboy13 decarb11 bicarbs13 carbarn11 carbeen11 carbene11 carbide12 carbies11 carbine11 carbons11 carbora11 carboys14 decarbs12 acarbose12 aldicarb13 carbamic16 carbamyl17 carbarns12 carbaryl15 carbeens12 carbenes12 carbides13 carbines12 carbinol12 carbolic14 carbonic14 carbonyl15 carboras12 carborne12 carboxyl22 carboyed16 carburet12 decarbed14 acarboses13 aldicarbs14 carbachol18 carbamate15 carbamide16 carbamino15 carbamoyl18 carbamyls18 carbanion13 carbaryls16 carbazole22 carbineer13 carbinier13 carbinols13 carbolics15 carbolise13 carbolize22 carbonade14 carbonado14 carbonara13 carbonate13 carbonise13 carbonium15 carbonize22 carbonous13 carbonyls16 carboxyls23 carbuncle15 carburate13 carburets13 carburise13 carburize22 decarbing15 carbidopa16 carbachols19 carbamates16 carbamides17 carbamoyls19 carbanions14 carbazoles23 carbineers14 carbiniers14 carbolated15 carbolised15 carbolises14 carbolized24 carbolizes23 carbonades15 carbonados15 carbonaras14 carbonated15 carbonates14 carbonette14 carbonised15 carboniser14 carbonises14 carboniums16 carbonized24 carbonizer23 carbonizes23 carbonless14 carbonnade15 Show more ...
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